Tuesday 12 July 2016

Impressions of an artist

I was watching the movie Being Jane, a fictitious take on the life of Jane Austen and her romance. It was the portrayal of an author that had impressed me that prompted me to read about her life. I could see that the events and people from her life were very much a part of her novels. Her love and its loss, the death of her father, the condition of young dependent women during that period, her cousin,  somehow they are all part of her books. Her books are a reflection of the society of her time. The propriety and morality of the period is reflected. Jane Austen is not alone, almost every author's life is reflected in his work. Yes, by reading, one can get a glimpse of the times and places where the author lived and got impressed by. Every artist is made by his impression of the world around him. His experiences act as a chiseling knife that mold his mind. His characters, this lives are all dependent upon his own experiences and how he wants to keep or change them. Traveling, meeting people, the highs and lows in their situation, just enrich their mind and give depth to their characters. Things that have impressed their mind are reflected in their work. By reading their work, one also reads about the feelings of the author, his life, his time and experiences. One isn't thus wrong in saying that the works of fiction are also autobiographical in nature, just the perspective that the writer has preferred to share.

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