Tuesday 12 July 2016

Affirmative action

The Supreme Court of the United States recently ruled in the favor of the affirmative action taken by the colleges. The court ruled that affirmative action that takes race amongst other factors as a criteria for granting admission is needed to preserve diversity on campus. They were of the opinion that when all students applying for admission don't come from similar educational background, such an action ensures diversity and an equal representation on campus. However, they were hopeful that maybe in 25 years when everybody gets an equal access to education, there might not be a need for such an action. The case challenged the admission of five black students who scored less than the plaintiff, who got admitted because of their race. However, the girl didn't challenge the admission of 42 other girls who got admitted though they had scored less than her. Affirmative action takes race as one of the factors for admission to colleges. Though the admission process takes into consideration number of factors including academic records, volunteer work, extracurricular activities and so on, they race in itself is a very small factor when taken into account.

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