Saturday 14 November 2015

Attempts at harming the refugees

The latest attack in Paris is a way of harming the refugees. By attacking European nations, the terrorists are trying to present that these countries are in danger from the refugees. They want a backlash on the poor homeless people and they want the borders to be closed so that the refugees have no place to go. By doing this, they want to send a message to the asylum seekers that west is hostile towards them and their only option is to join the terrorist outfit to get back at the west. They want to give legitimacy to their evil plans and to prove that there is an ongoing war. The very people, who are running away from these terrorists will be forced to seek shelter from them and thus, these outfits will claim that they are the only legitimate place for Muslims. The terror organizations are aiming for a backlash on the peaceful law abiding Muslim community so as to substantiate their claims.
The way to defeat these terrorists is to stay united and not let them enter the minds of the gullible Muslims living in the west. The society should come together to defeat their ideology. From educational institutions to workplaces, playgrounds to transportation, everywhere it is required that the correct religion and morality be presented so that the youth is not misguided. And humanity is above everything else is the motto that should be taught to children from a very tender age. Unity amongst all people is the only way to defeat the terrorists.

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