Tuesday 25 February 2014

Wooing the Muslim votebank

One fact that the politicians are sure of is that to come into power they need the minority to vote for them. While the majority is divided on the basis of caste and class, it is the minority community that holds the key to winning the elections from the very beginning. So come the election time and everybody is running to please the minorities. From offering basic amenities to reservation and now apologies, the politicians leave no stones unturned to please the Muslim voters. But unfortunately, things are easier said than done. Had any political party had truly invested upon development, not of just one community but of the society at large, they would have been sure of victory. Had any politician developed his constituency, he would have been sure of both the majority as well as the minority community to vote for him. But sadly such is not the case. The voters are remembered just a few months before the poll while the politicians fill their pockets rest of the time. There is just a blame game between the center and the states in the name of development. While it is a corrupt practice to ask for votes in the name of religion, who is there to stop the politicians from using other forms of sweet talks.

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