Saturday 31 March 2012


What are dreams? Whose visions are they? How different are they from reality? How powerful? Dreams may or may not be more powerful than reality, but they definitely are, amusing. Dreams are amusing, in the sense, that they are not bound by the rules of the society and of human controls. No laws of science or logic govern them. Amusing, because, they don’t care about the past, the present or the future. Yes, dreams have the potential of being more powerful than reality but that is if and only if the dreamer has the will, the desire and the ability of making them come true. How much power a man wants to impart to his dreams depends upon his desire of framing his own destiny. But men must follow their dreams with caution, because sometimes one man’s dream can turn into the nightmare for millions. When a man like Mandela or a Gandhi dreamt, they changed the world into a better place but when someone like Hitler or napoleon dreamt, it ended in disaster. Many men have died and nations being ruined in pursuit of some ego-satisfying dream of a weakling. Yes, a man who follows his dreams for his own selfish ends is a weakling who is incapable of seeing his true self in the mirror.

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