Saturday 18 June 2011

The fading mountains

When I moved into my new fifth floor apartment, I was attracted to a sight that moved my senses. The view of mountains from my balcony was enough to give me so much pleasure that I loved to spend more and more of my time in my balcony, sitting, standing, tending my plants or just doing nothing. Then slowly, as the time passed, I got oblivious to my surroundings and the mountains which had so caressed my senses faded away in the distance. Now, when I had some time to think, I realized the significance of the fading mountains, how they seemed farther and farther and became almost invisible. And I understood that it is not just the mountains that faded away from my sight, it’s the same with many other things, whether human relations or material things. When they are new, we spend more and more time with them, however, with the passage of time we start taking them for granted and in due course of time, they fade away from our lives. They don’t cease to exist, for they are there as real as the mountains but we get so used to them and so busy trying out new things that we stop caring for them. And hence, they apparently no longer exist for us until and unless a rude shock brings us back to the reality and with a guilty conscience we again look in their direction and many a times when it is too late to anything for they are gone from our lives forever. So it is better that before a shock awakens us, we ourselves take a positive step and cherish our moments of togetherness. We have to rub our eyes and again gaze in the direction of the mountains with the same surprise and amazement so that they don’t fade away in the distance.