Monday 26 February 2018

Toddler tantrums

Kids love to play. Kids belong to their own world, have their carefree life where anything can be a toy and any place a playground. The internet got amused with the antics of Justin Trudeau's youngest kid but the most important thing was that he did what all kids his age love to do, they just don't care about rules and protocols. Most people with young kids have problem in public places as they are expected to keep their children under control. Whether in a flight or a public gathering, parents have a constant dread of what their child would do next. They are told to discipline their child, frowned upon or scorned if their child does not sit quietly. But you cannot expect a child to behave like a grown up. A child needs to play, to track, to question, to explore, to satisfy his curiosity. He is learning about many things. You cannot make a child sit quietly and not ask the many questions that are swarming in his head. Many a times, people forget what their kids are at young age or maybe they do not understand the different circumstances in which the children are. Parents are taunted that their kids are worse of the lot, that no other child behaved that way, but the truth is every single child behaves in just the same way. The only two times when a child is quiet are if he is unwell or he has been beaten up. A child is carefree, he jumps, he walks, he talks unmindful of where he is our who is with. That is the pure joy and innocence of childhood. That is the wonder of young age.

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