Monday 5 June 2017

The planet earth

Today is the environment day and a question creeps up what is the role of people and government in painting the balance on the planet earth. We study about environmental pollution, we discuss about global warming, we notice the environmental degradation, but what do we do about it? There are multinational treaties that talk about lowering the pollution level, each with its own critics. Often, while signing these deals the countries think about their own interests instead of the planet as a whole. Sometimes, they talk about their jobs and development instead of focusing on the larger picture. People tend to forget that different countries do not exist on different planets but that that they all coexist on the same. They often fail to consider the fact that the pollution in one country can have negative effect on its neighbors and often to very far off places as well. When talking about development, countries often forget that any development at the expense of the environment is definitely not a development. It is high time for countries to focus on sustainable development, one where the countries progress without harming the planet. In order to preserve the planet for the future generations, the present generation is required to make changes that would be positive for the health of the entire planet and not just focus on their local goals, political or economic.

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