Monday 11 April 2016

Marriage in Islam

Marriage is something that has many jokes written on it, it is something that people don't understand completely or correctly. It is a very important relationship, in fact, it is the backbone of the society. Commonly, it is perceived that a person marries for love, sex or companionship, which reflect the physical aspect of marriage. But Islam also talks about the spiritual aspect of marriage, raising it to a form of worship. In Islam, marriage is not a right but an obligation. Quran says that spouses are like an apparel to each other, meaning that they have a duty to protect, beautify, defend, cover each other from the whole world. They are not to criticize each other to the whole world but defend and keep each others' honor. They are bound to help each other stay on the guided path and improve each other's piety. Islam says don't marry someone for their looks or wealth but for their piety. It emphasizes on the importance of marital relationship and to stay together. Islam says that true love leads a person towards the remembrance of Allah. This is the kind of love that Islam emphasizes on. People who are married to each other, Allah brings their hearts together, and shaitan tries to separate them by showing them outside temptations. Islam teaches that the person outside is nothing special when compared with the person one has married. It says come together in mutual love and respect and it judges a person's character by the way they treat their spouse. Marriage in Islam is a guidance, a source of spouses leading each other towards the way of righteousness.

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