Monday 14 December 2015

Where did we go wrong?

The latest bomb explosion in parachinar area of Pakistan adds to the already large number of bomb attacks in Asia and Africa this year. With hundreds dying in terrorist attacks and still no solution to the problem, it seems that the evil is growing continuously. Almost every single one of these have been linked to one or the other terrorist outfit. The victims are mostly Shias, ahmadis or non Muslims with the Muslim sects making the largest number of victims. Then there are refugees fleeing from these areas, some making it, some dying on the way, and then facing strict scrutiny because of the very evil that they are fleeing. On the other hand, we have instances of gun violence in the United States with over 300 reported this year and no law on gun control in sight. Something is seriously wrong with the world where it seems that nobody cares for the human life. Where did we go wrong that we have generations destroyed by this evil ideology to kill anyone who is different? We need to create a world of peace, a place for our children to grow and their children to enjoy. We haven't inherited this earth from our forefathers, we hold it in trust for the future generations. Let's try to save it, make it a better place.

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