Wednesday 16 September 2015

It's a clock!

The arrest of the 14 year old Muslim boy, Ahmad, in Texas when he took his invention, a home made digital clock is shameful. A young boy is removed from school just because he likes to invent and his teachers are just not smart enough. His creativity, his wings are clipped because of islamophobia. In time when he was asking for appreciation, he was tortured. This is not the way to treat our children. Instead of guidance and encouragement he was barred from school. Instead of apology, the police wants to press charges of making a hoax bomb. And the boy had kept repeating that it's a clock. The incident clearly reflects the stupidity of the authorities and the spread of islamophobia. And nobody paid attention to the fact that he was saying that it's a clock.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you mr president for your kind words and for encouraging scientific temper.
