Tuesday 3 February 2015

The muslim vote bank politics

Before every election, political parties try to woo the muslim voters in areas where Muslims are in substantial numbers. However, the basic needs of the community are neglected. The muslim voters do not require any reservation or special treatment as an incentive to vote. The so called secular parties offer them false protection and also special treatment while forgetting that they are also citizens of India and deserve equality in status and in opportunity. The community at large is socially, economically and educationally backward. It does not require reservations, it requires opportunity to progress at the same rate as the other members of the society. It needs to be freed from the clutches of the opportunistic elements that take advantage of its backwardness and brainwash it against progressive ideas. It also requires protection from the so called religious and spiritual guides that misguide the community at large. Muslims form a substantial part of the total population and their progress will ensure the progress of the country at large. And for that progress, the political parties need to stop the vote bank politics and instead focus on the equal development of all as provided under the Indian Constitution.

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