Thursday 21 March 2013

Just a wish

Twenty years after the blasts comes the judgement punishing the perpetrators of the crimes. But is it justice? For those who suffered twenty years back have continued to suffer to suffer for all this time. And may even continue suffering, for the past rarely dies. Time and again, every small incident reminded them of what had happened in the past. Not just those who lost their loved ones, but also those who were accused knew that this part of their past will eventually stare them in their face. But is it the right time? Or should it been done many years back? But still the mastermind of the killings roams free. So is it justice?
Why not we build a better society where some traders of death fear to enter? Why can't we have a strong system of love and trust that no outsider can sway us and make us fight with each other? Wishing for a country that has no communal or caste based hatred. A country where nobody can even try to break us, nobody can try to turn us against our own brothers. Waiting for a country that is full of love and equality and justice.

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