Monday 4 February 2013

Why ban music?

Every now and then one or the other self proclaimed guardian of culture and religion is trying to curtail one or the freedom of artists. Every other day either it is terrorists issuing warnings or blowing up people or else some so called religious authority who is trying to curb the freedom of expression of citizens. Are these people really the guardians or defenders of religion or they its true enemies, creating an atmosphere of hatred and discrimination? Some say that girls should only sing at home others say that music is haraam at all times. While they themselves lack concensus on various issues, they try and impose their own beliefs on others. If music is so bad then why do you have hymns and other debotional songs? If it is so bad then why call out for prayers in musical tune? If it is so bad then why do you enjoy the song of birds? And while on one hand they ban some from performing they themselves don't mind hearing others perform. Isn't it bit hypocitical? It is time that a partition be put on secular and non-secular acts. Otherwise every single individual has the potential to make other people's lives hell.

1 comment:

  1. According to Ayatollah Sistani, music that is used as entertainment and amusement gatherings is haraam. "Permissible music is the music that is not suitable for such gatherings, even if it does not soothe the nerves (emotional or mental state)..."
    Meaning all music is haraam except for which that is NOT suitable for entertainment or amusement gatherings
