Saturday 5 January 2013

Minister educate yourself

Mr Bhagwat, first you say that rapes happen only in urban India and not rural Bharat and show your ignorance about the realities of rural Bharat. I would you like to suggest you to go and talk to all the Khap panchayats who make all kinds of absurd rules about where they operate. They will tell you the reality of Indian villages. And now, alongwith your ignorance, you are showing your chauvinism. So you think women should only do household chores? Mr Bhagwat are you scared of women? Are you afraid that once all the women come to the fore, men like you will have no place to hide their face? And yes, you say that if a wife doesn't perform her 'duties', she should be divorced. You speak of Indian traditions, Indian tradition says marriage is a relation of births. It says marriage cannot be broken. Marriage is a Samskar and you speak of breaking it, you call it a contract. Minister, you are being stereotypic. You need a refresher course in Indian culture and should learn the importance of marroage. You need a refresher course in Indian law and learn the right to equality guaranteed under the Constitution. You need a refresher course in history and learn about Indian society. you need a refresher course in current affairs and learn the present state of society. Minister, please go and educate yourself before you open your mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Mohan Bhagwat is the RSS chief.
    With the term 'minister' I addressed the issue not just to him but also about many other politicians who speak without thinking and give absurd opinions.
