Sunday 9 December 2012

Lost patience

It is an irony that in a country that boasts of being a democracy and freedom of speech and movement are the basic rights of its citizens, where right to life and privacy is guaranteed to every individual, the society is interering in every aspect of another's life. What to wear, what not to wear, what to speak, what to write has become the concern of every self appointed guardian of society and culture. Girls are banned from wearing what they like, molested by their own family, fathers and other neighbours killed for trying to save a girl from molestation, people jailed for expressing their views, the world has really lost its patience. Instead of moving ahead and giving each person his due, everybody is interested in what the other is doing. Honour killings on rise are just another expression of the society's inability to accept change. In reality, they are creating a world of tyranny, of oppression. Allowing every person to live as per his or her choice is what the society should be based on. The false notions of honour and wealth and status should be given up. A free society is where the weak and the strong can co-exist happily. Millions are dying hungry worldwide, we need a little more love, a little less hate, and a lot more of patience. It is time to stop and ponder is this the world that we want to leave to our children. Certainly it is not. It is time to change ourselves. Let's love prevail and let us have some patience with our fellow brothers and sisters. Give others the freedom to do what they want, as long as they are not harming anyone else, it is their birth-right. Let's be more patient.

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