Sunday 7 August 2011

A day for friends

Its again friendship day, a day when we wish our friends, we party hard, we have fun with those special people who have added spice to our lives. Yet there are many who have lost their friends or are so sad in their lives that they don’t have the will to celebrate this day.
Yet, friendship is something to be cherished, the most beautiful flower in the Kingdom of God. With love and trust as its building stones, there is nothing stronger, more pure like a true friendship.
Friends are not just are school buddies, our playmates but they are those special people who come in our lives to make it beautiful. They help us, they support us, and they are with us whenever we need them. We find friends amongst our schoolmates, our colleagues, our families and even in perfect strangers, for a friend is anyone who is with us when we need them the most. And they are the ones who have made our lives meaningful. They stand behind us as we proceed, they extend their hands when we fall, they wipe our tears and offer us shoulder, and they are an equal in our joys and sorrows.
Friendship is a relationship to cherish and blessed are those, who have many friends.

On this friendship day like many others, remembering Vivek Chatterjee (born: valentine’s day, died: friendship day, head boy 1994-95 batch) --- may his soul rest in peace
This friendship day, let us pray for our friends who are sad, who are sick, who are no longer in touch, who have left us forever........wherever they are, in this world or the next...........let us pray for all our friends and their families, all their near and dear ones.........
And let us pray for those who do not have friends, who have no idea what love and friendship is......
Happy Friendship Day

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