Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Climate change

Climate change is a reality that almost everyone knows about though there are a few deniers. Protecting the earth's environment needs more than just planting trees. From forest conservation to wildlife preservation, using renewable energy sources to creating me efficient technology based upon sustainable practices are just few of the things that can be done to protect the environment. From the legislative point, more stringent laws protecting the natural environment as well as levying harsher penalties for causing pollution and environmental degradation should be enacted and imposed. Environmental protection needs to be taken from grassroots levels and governments should invest in creating awareness about the same. Protecting the natural flora and fauna requires both strict laws as well as an insight to create mass movements so that every individual feels responsible for them and acts as a guardian of the environment. Fighting the coal industry alone is not sufficient if proper alternate employment is not provided to those who are solely dependent on it for their livelihood. Mining should be done diligently and coal usage slowly phased out to more sustainable energy sources. The earth has enough for everyone's needs and everyone should act to protect it.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Protecting them physically and digitally

I was recently reading an article about how the photos and videos of abuse are available online and how various tech companies even with all the tools available do little or nothing to remove them. It is greatly disturbing to know that the victims of abuse have to live in fear of being recognised and have to suffer repeat trauma every time they come across the pictures of their abuse.
It seems all the more important in today's world to protect young children from predators of all sorts. Not only is it important that children are protected from strangers in real, physical world, it is equally important that their pictures and videos are protected from strangers in the digital world. A few steps that parents and guardians should take to protect their children from abuse and its repercussions are:
- not sending them anywhere without a chaperon and being well aware of their whereabouts at all times.
- developing an open communication channel with children and have mutual trust with them.
- not uploading their pictures or videos online as sharing them in the digital world can lead them being landing in wrong hands.
- be aware of who their friends are and also their parents.
- making them aware of the various dangers that they may face.
Protecting children is very important as in many cases they don't have their own voice in the face of abuse. The incidents of abuse can leave a lasting mark and it is very important that it is not allowed to happen at all.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Broken journeys, wounded love

A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. A person who loses his/her spouse is a widow or widower. A person who loses their child is called? Nothing. Because they are nothing. The most painful of pains. The loss of a child is loss of dreams, a loss of hopes. The grief that comes in waves and settles down. Of the 25% women who suffer miscarriages. Of those who have stillbirth or of those who lose their infants or young ones. There is nothing to console them. The balloons that fly away and mingle with the clouds. Maybe they go the children lost. Lives full of questions and doubts. Grief that is mingled with a strange emptiness, a strange hollowness. Yet there is peace. The peace that is the end. Is there a place where broken dreams are cherished? Is there a place where lost hopes are kindled? Is there a place where broken journeys are resumed. From the place of no return, hopes and dreams and answers are requested. The love that is wounded and is always with the child that is lost. That love is mixed with grief and that grief is mixed with peace. May everyone with a wounded heart find peace. Hope someday, answers may be found. Hope that someday, families may be reunited.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Maternity benefits

Motherhood takes a toll on a woman's life and it affects her ability to move or work. For a working mother, it is important that she receives some leave after having a baby without worrying about her job security. Maternity benefits vary from country to country ranging from zero days to upto two years. Some benefits that are provided by law are:
(1) Paid leave for a specific period of time, which varies from country to country.
(2) Non-discrimination due to the fact that she has a child. Her position at work cannot be adversely altered due to her maternity nor can she be denied promotion as a result of the same.
(3) Job security. A woman cannot be fired during her maternity leave nor can her maternity be used adversely against her.
(4) Creches and child benefits to help her transition back to work. They may include child care services at the workplace and a provision to take nursing breaks.
(5) Option to take leave at the loss of pay but with security to return back to work.
(6) Child benefits and welfare schemes. Some countries provide financial aid to eligible mothers in order to bear the expenses of a new baby. Also provisions for baby milk or food maybe available to eligible mothers.
Maternity benefits are essential in order to ensure that a woman continues to work after having her baby. They provide her with a financial support and also allow her to rest after a life changing event.

Monday, 30 September 2019

More than a thing

It is a strange world with strange people. On one hand there are strides been made to get equal rights to everyone while on the other, it is no big deal to discriminate. From denying accessibility to the disabled to refusing families to adopt, discriminations are everywhere, hidden from plain sight. In some cases, it may be difficult to decide which party to support but on others it would be crystal clear.
Human Rights are not things or the ability to get things or services. Rights are the necessities to lead a respectable life. Basic human rights not just for the privileged. They are for each and every individual by virtue of being born as a human. They came as a result of struggle of hundreds and thousands of people over the decades and centuries. They are not to be held at the whims and fancies of the few. Rather they should be cherished and protected for every single small man. Denying those rights should not be an option for anyone. Also making a mockery of the equality rights should not be allowed.
It is a strange world with strange people. On one hand there are protections for every walking creature while on the other, survival may be difficult for the poor man. It is a truly strange world.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The perfect house

The perfect house. An ideal place where everything seems magical. We run around looking for a perfect place to live. Everybody has different concepts of how and what they want in their house. Number of rooms, garage, garden, location, everything is a criteria when buying a house but these do not make a house home. The truth is that the perfect house doesn't require any of these physical features to make it a perfect abode. An ideal house is the one which is full of memories, often the very first childhood memories. It is a place where a child first identities that it is his home. It can have broken staircase or small rooms or not enough space for anything. It can be old or messy or airy. Nothing matters. It is a place which is home in the mind of a child who grows up looking for it. It is a place of emotions whether or not it has any physical wealth or not. It is a place of dreams and hopes and aspirations. A place like none other. Because it is not a physical place but the feelings and memories linked with it.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is a common problem which is sadly ignored in a number of communities. Even though it is not talked much, it is very common and can span days to months in a woman's life. Low self esteem arising from physical changes to hormonal changes, not having support while taking care of the baby, lacking someone to talk to or simply being overwhelmed by the work and responsibility can play the culprit. It is important that the family and friends pay attention to the needs of the new mother, help her cope with the changes in her life and where necessary provide her with counselling or medical support to overcome her feelings.

Monday, 17 June 2019

Banning the plastics

The environmental degradation is caused both the insensitive extraction and misuse of natural resources along with the dumping of harmful substances in the nature. Banning of single use plastics such as straws or disposable utensils that cannot be reused or recycled but instead end up in landfills or pollute the water bodies can help to a large extent protect the environment from their harmful effects. Reusable cutlery, biodegradable alternatives or just recyclables are the way to mitigate the harms caused by the plastics.
Another source of problem are the paper products that cannot be reused or recycled. These include bathroom rolls. Instead of cutting down forests to manufacture the toilet paper, companies should try to find recycled paper alternatives that would cause less environmental damage. Another alternative to the indiscriminate paper use would be the use of bidet system which uses water for cleansing purposes and does not cause the cutting down of forests.
It is important that single use products is reduced and replaced by recyclables or biodegradable in order to ensure that the earth is not filled up with harmful, green house producing materials. Instead, making a collective informed lifestyle change in order to protect the environment is the need of the hour.

The smaller man

In every land, there is a group of individuals who lack the voice. They may be religious, linguistic or cultural minorities. They may be politically silent group. They may be women, children, old, handicapped or refugees. These are the people who require protection from various agencies who try to take away their rights.
International law aims to protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals. However, these laws may sometimes be misused to persecute those who are minorities or political opponents. Instead of protecting the rights of the weaker sections of the society, the laws may be used to persecute them instead. In democracies, it appears that the will of the majority is what is ruling there nations and the laws appear to be favourable only to the majority. Sometimes, this leads to the notion that the laws are bad. But that is not the case. Purpose of law is to create a stable society and creating peaceful and secure environment. While it may seem that in protecting the greatest good of the greatest number, the smaller individual is getting crushed but the truth is that it is this smaller man who is the beneficiary, whose good has to be protected. It is the duty of the nations to protect the rights of the minorities and ensure that their voices are heard. It is important that the laws are not misused and the principles of natural justice are always protected.
Every individual counts and it is the collective duty of societies and nations to ensure that the smaller man is heard. His rights are not compromised and his life is not sacrificed.

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Earth insensitivity

While the environmental degradation and climate change are a reality staring at one and all, the insensitivity towards the same is also apparent. From the climate change deniers in the US to the companies producing CFCs in China, the disregard for the environmental issues is the blatant truth showing how little people care about the planet they live on. Consumerism and profit chasing the main issues that do not let companies and individuals care about the basic issues plaguing our planet. Sustainable development is the need of the hour but even though nations sign agreements, in reality they do very little in practice. Deforestation, using fossil fuels, burning of wastes are some of the common practices that are leading to the climate change with the net result that the planet is going to see a mass extinction of the species. Consumerism is the driving force behind the economy and it is the main force causing environmental degradation. It requires a collective action to stop the race and think about the planet which is everyone's responsibility to preserve. It will require not just the public opinion but also the political will to stop the disregard for the environment and build a healthy community.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Mental health

An individual's health comprises not only of his physical well being but also his mental well being. However, unfortunately, the issues related to the mental health are more often than not, ignored by not only the person but by the society at large. Every individual faces ups and downs in his life, however, not everyone is able to cope as well with them. The ability to handle the difficult phases in one's life depends upon how mentally prepared he is for them and hw resilient he is. The resilience comes from the conscious effort to make a positive change in one's life. It is easy to sit down and succumb to depression but at the same time with a little help from friends and family, it is equally possible to use those challenges as a stepping stone and moving forwards. Dealing with the issues of mental health start with recognising them. Without acknowledging the fact that one has mental issues, one cannot really cope with them. The second step comes with seeking help. Help need not be professional help, rather, it can be a little time spent with close family and friends and discussing the issues. On the other hand, it can also be a moment of self reflection and understanding the problems and trying to figure out the solutions. However, at the same time, one should not shy away from seeking professional help and the aid of medication and therapy. Building resilience is not easy. However, by taking small steps at a time and being ready to plunge into the unknown, one can actually change one's mindset and move towards a more healthy and fulfilling life. Mental and physical well being go hand in hand and making small lifestyle changes can also bring about a positive change in one's mental well-being. Being ready to accept challenges, seeking help whenever necessary and most importantly, recognising every single issue that is causing worry goes a long way towards ensuring a healthy mental outlook.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Is it worth?

The recent scandals relating to the admission process in top American universities speaks for itself. People are willing to pay for just a name of the university, brokers and agents are taking money to create false accomplishments on the resume or to help students cheat on standard exams. The net result is that the students getting into the colleges are not good enough. But another scam that is done on the students is the grade inflation in top universities. the grades and transcripts are no longer an indicator of the students' capability when majority of the students get A grade. It seems ironic that when there is so much grade inflation, then students from other places with lesser grades are rejected for that reason when they apply for admission. And the employers know that transcripts don't reflect the true capabilities of the candidates, therefore, they don't even look at the transcripts. Overall, it would seem like a scam on the education system. People with money can buy a degree from any 'elite' institute and the institute will give them highly inflated grades. Students get a false sense of their capabilities while at the same time remaining under-qualified for the job and life the school was supposed to prepare them for. So the question is, is the education system really worth it.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Protecting freedoms

A secular society is based upon the principle that the State shall not promote or demote any one religion in relation to the other. Secular societies also allow their citizens to practice any religion of their choice. The right to freedom to practice religion falls from the freedom of speech and expression, which is the paramount freedom. However, though the State cannot promote promote one religion or prohibit another, the question is can its citizens do the same. The freedom of religion is based upon the idea that each individual can peacefully practice the religion of his choice or not follow any religion at all. However, the freedom to practice religion has been extended to discriminate against the adherent of other beliefs. Prohibiting the use of contraceptives by employees as it is against the employer's religion or discriminating against LGBT individuals because of the same, are some of the common examples how citizens are using their freedom of religion to discriminate against anyone who does not fall in the same group as them. The 'do no harm' law is an attempt to bring the freedom of religion to the level where it was originally intended to be, the right to practice religion freely without harming the rights of others. In a free society, one person's rights are another person's duty but those rights also cease to exist the moment they start damaging another person's rights. Therefore, the law to prevent religious discrimination would be a much awaited step towards attaining the freedoms that everyone in a free nation should possess.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Free speech in educational institutions

Free speech is the basic human right on which every other freedom is dependent. Without the freedom to express oneself, an individual cannot claim any other right. Educational institutions catering to students belonging to a diverse background have a duty to protect the freedom of speech on campus. In order to be inclusive, institutions need to be able to address the problems and issues pertaining to a particular group. Whether it is gender identity or ethnicity or race or disability, students belonging to every category have aright to express their needs and speak up against their violations. Any form of interference by the outside elements in the exercise of this freedom should not be tolerated by institutions in a free country which claims to be a protector and guardian of human rights. Once the freedom to express themselves and demand their rights is taken away from a group of individuals, it does not take long to take away their remaining rights. Freedom to speak up is the sole guarantee that their other rights are safe and protected. Therefore, institutions should take every possible step to protect the right to free speech and establish permanent committees to look into any incidents of violations. By protecting the fundamental freedoms of students, the institute can truly claim to be inclusive and open to all irrespective of their differences.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Science and pseudoscience

Science and mythology have no common base. Pseudoscience based upon mythology, superstitions, false beliefs and no real facts has no place in a society trying to make scientific progress. Scientific method involves making hypothesis, experimenting to prove and disprove it, forming theories based on experimental proofs and being open to scrutiny. Pseudoscience, therefore holds no place in a scientific gathering. Thus, when at a science conference, politicians made claims of 'scientific advances' inferred from mythology, then it makes no sense. Individuals should, therefore, abstain from making claims about science that are not based on any experimental evidence but are just figment of imagination.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

A fight for equality

Gender equality or the fight for gender equality is an issue that is not taken seriously by the majority of people. Not only it is ignored but it is misunderstood as well. Gender equality means the right to be treated an equal in all spheres of social, cultural, professional or political life. Even in the twenty first century, women do not have equal rights over land or possessions, they are still not paid equal wages for equal work, they still do not get priority in education or health care, they still do not have an equal political voice. The result is that they have to fight for their rights and they continue to do so. Recently, women in Kerala formed a 620 km long human chain to stand up for equality in the religious sphere. Despite the court order, the women are still barred from entering a temple. But the issue is not of just one religious place barring entry of women, this discrimination is present across the world. Discrimination against women is actually discrimination against almost half the world. It has been a fact that cultures that do not discriminate against women have a better future. Studies suggest that the world hunger could be reduced if only women get an equal right over land ownership. Educated mothers bring up better children. Yet, the society bars them from the rights that they have. Gender equality is a right, it is not a privilege. Striving for the same could lead to a more peaceful and progressive future.