Sunday, 31 December 2017

In anticipation

Wondering what the future holds
Hopes and wishes and prayers abound
For a  peek into the life yet to come
For where the events are going to turn
Some dreams hold the secret
Some prayers give the comfort
Wishing it becomes as beautiful as a dream
Floating lightly in a lively stream
A dream I dream and a dream you have
Of what the life is going to share
For every prayer has an answer
And every dream has a believer
For future is a page unturned
Waiting for its time to come

Sunday, 3 December 2017

International day of disability

About 15% of the world's population or about 1 billion people suffer from some form of disability or another which might be minor or extensive. Disability may be physical or mental in nature. It might be congenital or acquired due to some disease or accident later in life. Children with disability are more likely to suffer abuse at schools and daycares leading them to dropout from there. Reports suggest that about 75% of children with disability in developing nations do not attend schools, minimizing their chances of finding livelihood later in life. Parents of children with disability have greater trouble finding a caretaker for their children and more troubled with their child's future. Since the child with disability needs greater support and understanding, the parents are more worried about their child's life after them. Having a child with special needs is a daunting task and on top of that they have to answer all sorts of questions about the disability from curious onlookers. People in developing nations have different perspective about disability and may not be that welcoming towards the child and his parents. People with disability need to be welcomed wherever they are. They may lack some abilities but the one that have an abundance of, is the ability to spread love. They don't need sympathy but they do need understanding. They may not be able to do everything but whatever they do, they do it with the best of their capabilities. All they need is love and acceptance and people around the world should be understanding and caring towards them.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

My green patch

Gardening has been more than a hobby for me, it is a part of who I am. When I was a young girl of about 6 or 7, my granduncle taught me to 'create' new plants using plant cuttings and growth hormones, since then I really enjoyed propagating my favorite plant varieties. As I grew older, my garden became my home as I spent my entire day tending to my plants. Doing a project on environmental pollution and another on sustainable development made gardening my most cherished hobby as I collected rare plant varieties, propagated them and shared them with my friends and other gardening enthusiasts.
Today, we see a rise in air pollution causing all sorts of health problems as well as increasing childhood mortality and reduced life expectancy. Global warming and climate change are not fancy terms. Today it seems that gardening should be taught to all school children and the green cover be increased everywhere. Increasing vegetation is the most important means of combatting air pollution and improving the air quality. We need lots of green patches everywhere in this world.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Gun violence

Violence in all its forms is increasing all over the world. While in some countries it is not easy to obtain firearms, the right to own firearms is covered by the second amendment to the American Constitution. I recently heard a series on radio about gun violence in the city of Chicago. A series titled 'every other hour', discussed the severity of gang killings and gun violence in the city of Chicago. The series was named such as that is how frequent are gun killings in the city, with over 2500 people dead by September 2017. They discussed the lives of the gang members and pointed out how teenagers coming from broken families are more likely to join gangs and end up killing people. These children drop out of school and end up in a world of drugs, alcohol and violence. Teenagers as young as 13 years of age may be the ones firing a gun and killing people. These children need counseling and proper homes where they can continue their education and lead a meaningful life instead of going from juvenile offenders to hardened criminals. children, in general, and particularly those who are coming from broken families, need to be counseled at school to check their mental status. Their grades need to be monitored and proper guidance should be provided so that they are not trapped by the gangs. often the victims of sexual abuse end up on the streets and become an easy target for these gangs to hire. A proper counselor should be present in schools and in foster care systems to ensure that the child is having a healthy physical, mental and emotional development. Attempts should be made to e ensure that these children are not lured into a world that would destroy their life and future. Social workers should have a full time job to check the neighborhood to ensure that children are safe. Also there have to be background checks before selling firearms and gang members should not be able to get easy access to sophisticated firearms.

Saturday, 16 September 2017


The advances in the field of genetics have opened many avenues for attempts at understanding as well as altering the human genome. Scientists in USA, UK and China are attempting to alter human DNA to figure out the effects of various genes. Recently, attempts have been made to alter the genes of viable human embryos in the hope of finding cures for many diseases. While on one hand, these attempts can help understand the process of aging on the other they can help identify and possibly prevent many diseases. It is quite possible to find cures for various diseases like Alzheimer's, various cancers amongst others. Altering the human genome might be able to identify and alter the genes causing various birth defects and save many lives but a dangerous outcome is also possible. Since, one gene can have many effects, while genetic engineering might prevent one genetic disease, the same can also give rise to another anomaly or dangerous mutations. Any change in the genes will be handed over from generation to generation leading to possibility of unseen dangers. Unfortunately, as humans are not like cattle, the entire batch cannot be culled. Thus, any attempt at altering human DNA comes with various ethical questions that need to be addressed before viable embryos are genetically modified.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

I have been there

I know your dreams
I know your fears
I know it all
because I have been there
I know your pain
I know your tears
I know the depression
because I have been there
I know you scream
I know you shiver
I know your misery
because I have been there
I will hold your hand
Trust me, I am here
I am your friend
because I have been there

Thursday, 24 August 2017

The Pen and the Paper

Once the Pen and the Paper had a talk over who is the stronger of the two. The Pen said, I am stronger for haven't you heard that a pen is mightier than a sword. You can be white and shining bright, but once I move over you, I can change your face forever, I can mark you the way that your identity will change.
The Paper smiled and said softly, I know you can change my face for ever and the words you write over me can change the world. But do not forget that as you move over you, you lose a bit of yourself in me, but don't worry my friend, for as you finish your life supply, I will keep your essence in me as long as I survive. Together we can show the world what needs to be done, the words you write on me shall be read and remembered and they will guide the world.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Science and religion

Often religion is criticized on the ground that it goes against the scientific principles and stifles scientific growth. Critics often point out certain portions of religious texts which are in contravention of now established scientific facts. Adherents of religion often try to prove their religious texts as authentic by trying to prove that certain scientific truths were already mentioned in scriptures, though through a hidden meaning. By trying to point out scientific facts in religious texts, people often end as  being subjected to ridicule and often because as scientific discoveries and theories tend to change. Science and religion cover different spheres of human existence. While science tries to understand the universe and physical world as well as biological factors along with trying to improve the quality of human life, religion is more concerned with the spiritual aspect of human existence. People make a mistake of using science to attack religion or vice versa. People should make a healthy balance between the two. It is unwise to say that a person of science cannot be religious or a person of God cannot be curious about the world around him. Even the foundation of the science of genetics was laid down by a monk in a monastery. What is required is a childlike curiosity to find out what the world is all about. Religion says God created the world, science tries to find out how He did it. The creation and how it came into existence is a subject of science, why it came into existence is of religion. The two are not competitors, rather they complement and supplement each other. In fact, the maximum that a scientist does is try to find out the mystery behind kun fayakun.

Monday, 21 August 2017


Let the writer in me write
And let the poet speak
for the tales of anguish be retold
Before men forget and sleep
As they watch the buildings crumble
And the towns disintegrate
A shadow of the past looms up
And begs us to stop the hate
For the men who walked, crawled
And the women hide their tears
Stop before it is too late
Stop before all is covered in fear

Why muslims suffer?

Around the world, the muslim community is suffering because of the terrorist organizations and the phobia attached because of them. While everyone knows that the vast majority of the community does not agree with the terrorist ideology but in fact condemns it, yet islamophobia is increasing. One of the reasons for this increase maybe that there is no way of differentiating between who is good and who is bad. The other reason is that the community is not doing enough. The community is trying to build with words that which the terrorists destroy by action. The love, the trust, the faith has been lost and we have to regain it. We may condemn all that we may want but still the actions are not enough. The net result, the social media, the print media, televisions, radios, everywhere there are people who are mocking and criticizing the community. It is time for the community to accelerate its march towards education and empowerment, to become the scientists, doctors, engineers, politicians  and statesmen, who can truly reflect t the real religion. Just doing the lip service is no longer enough, the community needs to march forwards and rebuild that which has been lost. True, there still be some critics but at least the majority will acknowledge us as the builders and not the destroyers.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Always the fool

During the earlier days, there used to be a designated person, a court jester, a fool or a clown who had the capacity to call out on the fallacy of the common reasoning. He could criticize the monarch and get away with it because he was the fool, whose purpose was to make people laugh. Sometimes, the king might scold him and he would cry and be forgiven. But at the time when the king was wrong, he would be the one to point it out. He would be the one talking reason when the general multitude was a silent spectator. Shakesperean plays would always have a fool who would be the voice of reason. Times have changed but the fool remains. Today he is the comedian, speaking either from a studio or as a stand up, pointing out the mistakes of the governments. he is the one who speaks the truth and is discounted because he is a comedian, an entertainer. But he is the voice of reason, he is the voice of truth. When people become oblivious of the injustices around them, it s the fool who has to shake them up from their slumber. How many revolutions of the past were as a result of what the fool said may not be known, but somewhere a fool might have turned the tide.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Where did we go wrong?

Everyday there are reports of killings and attacks in the same of religion. There are terrorist attacks on unsuspecting men, women and children irrespective of who they are. Somewhere behind this bloodshed, behind the young people who are willing to kill other innocent people along with with getting killed themselves, there must be something really wrong. Religions are supposed to make people better individuals who would b e responsible for the betterment of the society. How does religious indoctrination causes men to go out and kill any random person without justification is questionable. There has been a serious flaw in the upbringing of these individuals who seek violence for justifying their religious beliefs. And the fault lies with the entire community. Every individual who had the opportunity to explain the doctrines of mutual love and understanding and failed to do is responsible. The only reason the fringe elements can brainwash a person into doing something as violent as mass murder is because that individual did not receive the right guidance while growing up. It maybe the shortcomings of his parents, friends, relatives, neighbors or teachers but in the end it is the entire community that has to pay. Followers of the moderate form of religion have a duty to explain to other extremist individuals the real spiritual essence of religion. Instead of being divided into sects, everyone must reach out to others to understand the differences. There is a greater need to indulge into interfaith dialogues to prevent the youth from being misguided. Till date, we have failed the youth by letting them being misguided but it is high time to take action otherwise the world will have a forgettable future.

Keeping up the appearances

Growing up in India I never saw any child with deformity or any disease, whether down’s syndrome or any other birth defect. I never saw anyone with any physical or mental ailment except for a stray case of cross eye or epilepsy which was made fun of. It was rare to hear of a child being born with any congenital disease and such news was always received with the shaking of head and an expression of sympathy and then forgotten. However, things changed when I moved to the USA. Here I saw children with various diseases, both mental and physical, birth defects as well as those acquired later on. The reason not being that there are more birth defects in the USA than in India but rather that back in India people feel ashamed if their child is different. Children are taken to be matter of pride and ego and thus, not allowed to be different. If a child is born with a disease, he is hidden from the world. Even a child with a weak eyesight would be kept away from public to avoid any questions. People would rather keep the appearance of being perfect than actually trying to bring perfection in the lives of those who need help. By hiding a child that is unwell, parents tend to do more harm than good, ultimately adversely affecting the health of the caregiver as well. There is a need to acknowledge the differences. Parents and communities should build a strong network so that the child with special needs can come out and mingle with others. It is important that a strong support group comprising of families, neighbors, teachers and social workers is formed to guide and support those who need special help whether because of any physical shortcomings or because of mental ailments.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Mumma don't cry

Sometimes as I sit and think of you
I can feel you by my side
I can feel you laugh and fiddle your fingers
As you tell your little tales
But as I turn around to hold you
I cannot see what my heart feels
Where I hope to see you sitting
Is only a painful void for me
Sometimes I hear your tiny voice
Coming from beyond your grave
Telling me, "mumma please don't cry,
I am but with you,
Mumma, I am in your heart
I never really left you.
Mumma, dont cry, for I cry with you
One day when you are old and grey
I will come to hold your hand
And I will guide you there where I play
Where we will be together in everlasting happiness."

The quest for happiness

Everybody wants to be happy but most people aren't happy, in fact, they are as far from happiness as possible. One of the reasons for not being able to attain that state of happiness is that people tend to search for happiness outside of their own selves. They feel that some person or some material thing outside of them will make them happy. And this is something that is far from reality, they spend their entire time searching for happiness which cannot be found. The truth is that the capacity to make oneself happy lies with the person himself. Being satisfied with oneself and being accepting of one's all faults as well as goodness is what makes a person content and happy. Self love is one of the biggest aspect of happiness. A person who cannot love himself, cannot love anyone else. Only when the cup is full that it brims over and spreads love and happiness.
Another reason for not being happy is that we tend to hope and wish for a happier future. The problem is that we are living in our future. Today is yesterday's future. We end up wasting our time hoping for a future that wouldn't come if we don't try to make our today happy. One has to live in the moment, taking one day at a time. Being present is what makes for happier memories. If our today is happy, our tomorrow will also be as it would have ceased to worry us.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Robots in the farmland

About two weeks back, on the Memorial Day, as I was going to the mall, I was listening to a program on the radio in which they were talking about automation. The most important aspect was that they were talking about automation in the agricultural sector. The main discussion was about how the changing immigration pattern and laws as well as other work options have lead to a scarcity of skilled laborers to work in the farms. The farmers were sure that the use of robots in farming is just a matter of time. Scientists are creating robots that would do the work in the farms. They have created a lettuce-bot, a robot armed with cameras and sensors to select and trim lettuce. They are of the view that the work that earlier required about 15 laborers would not be done with these robots requiring just two human operators. The question is that though right now there is a scarcity of labor in the farmland, what will happen when these jobs will be taken up by robots and again unemployment will rise? If more and more jobs are taken up by automation, specially in sectors such as agriculture, where would the extra hands go? Small farmers might continue with human help but the large farms that provide employment to a greater number of laborers would definitely opt for machines as an effective replacement. Automation is taking up jobs at a very fast rate as machines are more efficient than humans and also have no social needs, making them preferable. With doors closing for so many industries, rising unemployment along with its side effects will not be surprising.

Monday, 5 June 2017

The planet earth

Today is the environment day and a question creeps up what is the role of people and government in painting the balance on the planet earth. We study about environmental pollution, we discuss about global warming, we notice the environmental degradation, but what do we do about it? There are multinational treaties that talk about lowering the pollution level, each with its own critics. Often, while signing these deals the countries think about their own interests instead of the planet as a whole. Sometimes, they talk about their jobs and development instead of focusing on the larger picture. People tend to forget that different countries do not exist on different planets but that that they all coexist on the same. They often fail to consider the fact that the pollution in one country can have negative effect on its neighbors and often to very far off places as well. When talking about development, countries often forget that any development at the expense of the environment is definitely not a development. It is high time for countries to focus on sustainable development, one where the countries progress without harming the planet. In order to preserve the planet for the future generations, the present generation is required to make changes that would be positive for the health of the entire planet and not just focus on their local goals, political or economic.

Monday, 29 May 2017

Beef ban

The central government has recently issued an order to ban all sales of cows except to farmers. The given order cane as a result of increasing crimes by cow vigilance. India is a secular democracy and in a democratic set up, a government cannot order or restrict the food habits of the citizens. In a secular country, the majority cannot dictate the rules of governance based upon religion. A ban on a particular type of food affects the food chain causing imbalance in nature. A ban on sale of cow not only effects the farmers, beef consumers but also leather and allied industries. Even the farmers with old and ailing cows are left burdened with the responsibility of am animal that can do them no good.
Every individual has a right to decide what he wants to eat and the government has no right to dictate the same. Government cannot restrict food the way it can restrict harmful products. Food choices depend upon a person's cultural background and are often individual in nature. Government has no place in someone's kitchen. Government can make rules to control tobacco or narcotics consumption because they are harmful products. But definitely it cannot decide to ban a particular food item which is a good source of protein. India is a country where fifty percent of women in child bearing age are anemic and a majority of children are malnourished. In such a situation, banning a source of protein is not only myopic but also a bad policy decision. Religion cannot take precedence when the future of health of the country is concerned.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Why secularism?

Secularism is often considered to be the absence of religion but in reality it only means that religion shall not interfere with thebpublic life. It is a separation between the religion and the government. It simply means that while a private individual is free tonpractice whichever religion he wishes, the public office shall not have any religion. It means that the country shall not promote one religion at the expense of other nor will it demote another and punish its adherents.
Secularism ensures that religion will not interfere with a country's governance. By adopting secular values, a country ensures that the principles of religion shall not dictate the policies of that country. It means that a country shall not interfere with the relationship between its citizens and whichever god they choose to follow, if at all. Secularism ensures that the minority group will not be persecuted but rather protected to safeguard its own traditions and culture. Secularism helps protect customs and languages from being washed away in the tide of the majority.
Secularism is essential because in a plural society it is important that the principles of equality are practiced to their core. It is important to protect the munorities from being persecuted. Without secularism, a country cannot protect the most vulnerable groups in its land. Secularism ensures that a country is just and fair in all its dealins.

Saturday, 8 April 2017


Lucky are those who get clean water and unlucky those who do not realize its worth. Recently, I watched an advertisement by the non government organization, actionaid, on water wives. The advertisement showed how in certain villages, a man goes on to marry three, four or even more women, so as to ensure that there is somebody to fetch water. Termed as 'water wives', it narrates the story of water scarcity as well as gender injustice. It says it is easier to shout feminism but harder to see the ground realities. Where basic necessities are scarce, gender justice is a far cry. Water is life, it is freedom. Clean water that is easily accessible frees time wasted in fetching it from far away places. Easily available water gives opportunity to women and girls  to do more productive work and to study. It provides gender  equality. Water is undoubtedly the most important commodity, and having easy access to the same is truly a blessing. Water conservation needs special attention so do the efforts to provide clean water to masses living in poverty.

Women and work

It is always an issue whether a woman goes out for work or not. A working mother is often blamed for neglecting her children and house while a stay at home mother is blamed for sitting at home and doing nothing. Recently, even a court went to the extent of calling a woman who doesn't have a job, a parasite on her husband's earnings. Is a woman who is a homemaker really a parasite? She cooks and cleans and provides for the comfort of her family. Her entire day is spent seeing that her home is running perfectly and that her family is happy. Is she really a parasite? She takes care of her children, listens to their problems, teaches them, takes care of all their needs. Is she really a parasite? She sees to the comforts of her husband and often all her inlaws as well as extended family, she tolls all day, unpaid and unappreciated. Is she really a parasite? After working all day long, taking care of everyone and everything, she gets greeted by you are just a housewife, what do you do all day. It is what she does all day that allows everyone else to go out and work or study. She manages everything from behind. Whether a woman has a job or not is her choice. Just because she has made certain life choices does not give anyone a right to judge her or demean her. It is her life and her work. The way she manages it is commendable.

Monday, 13 March 2017

A woman

She covers her bruised soul under a thick layer of foundation
Sharp mascara defines her wet eyes
She walks aloof ignoring the leering eyes
Her every step resonates her pride
She works harder than all those who surround her
Though she earns less on an unbalanced scale
She guards her territory like a fierce tigress
Bearing proudly her glistening stripes

Monday, 20 February 2017

Politics and religion

While the modern secular state envisages the separation of state and church, such an ideal condition us far from reality. In politics, religion akways plays a part in persuading the masses in favor or against the political parties or candidates. Political movements may also sometimes rest upon religious principles and may result into revolutions. The ideal state attempts to treat all religions at par and neither to promote nor demote any particular religion, culture or racial practice. In reality, even in secular states, we see public being swayed on the lines of religious, cultural or racial lines. It is important for the masses to think beyond the demarcations and to put the nation first. Politicians divide people into us and them but people should accept the diversity and protect it to build stronger nation states and a better world.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

A woman's freedom

The recent incident of mass molestation of women and girls on new years eve is a matter of shame for everyone. And what adds a greater shame is the fact that various politicians claim that it is the way the girls dress that is responsible for their getting molested. Wearing western clothes is no excuse for molesting a girl. A girl has a right to choose whatever she wants to wear and she has a right to go out of her house. A society that is scared of independent women, of educated girls or working girls is one that finds excuses to attack them so as to force them into a submissive role inside the house. It is shameful that the society cannot provide protection to girls who want to study, work or go out. Women and girls form fifty percent of the population and they deserve the same representation in education and work force. By investing  in girls a country can progress but for that it needs to provide a girl protection from sexual assaults. Failure to protect a girl's freedom is a matter of shame for any country in the world that claims to be a free country.