The perfect house. An ideal place where everything seems magical. We run around looking for a perfect place to live. Everybody has different concepts of how and what they want in their house. Number of rooms, garage, garden, location, everything is a criteria when buying a house but these do not make a house home. The truth is that the perfect house doesn't require any of these physical features to make it a perfect abode. An ideal house is the one which is full of memories, often the very first childhood memories. It is a place where a child first identities that it is his home. It can have broken staircase or small rooms or not enough space for anything. It can be old or messy or airy. Nothing matters. It is a place which is home in the mind of a child who grows up looking for it. It is a place of emotions whether or not it has any physical wealth or not. It is a place of dreams and hopes and aspirations. A place like none other. Because it is not a physical place but the feelings and memories linked with it.