Monday, 17 June 2019

Banning the plastics

The environmental degradation is caused both the insensitive extraction and misuse of natural resources along with the dumping of harmful substances in the nature. Banning of single use plastics such as straws or disposable utensils that cannot be reused or recycled but instead end up in landfills or pollute the water bodies can help to a large extent protect the environment from their harmful effects. Reusable cutlery, biodegradable alternatives or just recyclables are the way to mitigate the harms caused by the plastics.
Another source of problem are the paper products that cannot be reused or recycled. These include bathroom rolls. Instead of cutting down forests to manufacture the toilet paper, companies should try to find recycled paper alternatives that would cause less environmental damage. Another alternative to the indiscriminate paper use would be the use of bidet system which uses water for cleansing purposes and does not cause the cutting down of forests.
It is important that single use products is reduced and replaced by recyclables or biodegradable in order to ensure that the earth is not filled up with harmful, green house producing materials. Instead, making a collective informed lifestyle change in order to protect the environment is the need of the hour.

The smaller man

In every land, there is a group of individuals who lack the voice. They may be religious, linguistic or cultural minorities. They may be politically silent group. They may be women, children, old, handicapped or refugees. These are the people who require protection from various agencies who try to take away their rights.
International law aims to protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals. However, these laws may sometimes be misused to persecute those who are minorities or political opponents. Instead of protecting the rights of the weaker sections of the society, the laws may be used to persecute them instead. In democracies, it appears that the will of the majority is what is ruling there nations and the laws appear to be favourable only to the majority. Sometimes, this leads to the notion that the laws are bad. But that is not the case. Purpose of law is to create a stable society and creating peaceful and secure environment. While it may seem that in protecting the greatest good of the greatest number, the smaller individual is getting crushed but the truth is that it is this smaller man who is the beneficiary, whose good has to be protected. It is the duty of the nations to protect the rights of the minorities and ensure that their voices are heard. It is important that the laws are not misused and the principles of natural justice are always protected.
Every individual counts and it is the collective duty of societies and nations to ensure that the smaller man is heard. His rights are not compromised and his life is not sacrificed.