The recent scandals relating to the admission process in top American universities speaks for itself. People are willing to pay for just a name of the university, brokers and agents are taking money to create false accomplishments on the resume or to help students cheat on standard exams. The net result is that the students getting into the colleges are not good enough. But another scam that is done on the students is the grade inflation in top universities. the grades and transcripts are no longer an indicator of the students' capability when majority of the students get A grade. It seems ironic that when there is so much grade inflation, then students from other places with lesser grades are rejected for that reason when they apply for admission. And the employers know that transcripts don't reflect the true capabilities of the candidates, therefore, they don't even look at the transcripts. Overall, it would seem like a scam on the education system. People with money can buy a degree from any 'elite' institute and the institute will give them highly inflated grades. Students get a false sense of their capabilities while at the same time remaining under-qualified for the job and life the school was supposed to prepare them for. So the question is, is the education system really worth it.