Thursday, 17 January 2019

Science and pseudoscience

Science and mythology have no common base. Pseudoscience based upon mythology, superstitions, false beliefs and no real facts has no place in a society trying to make scientific progress. Scientific method involves making hypothesis, experimenting to prove and disprove it, forming theories based on experimental proofs and being open to scrutiny. Pseudoscience, therefore holds no place in a scientific gathering. Thus, when at a science conference, politicians made claims of 'scientific advances' inferred from mythology, then it makes no sense. Individuals should, therefore, abstain from making claims about science that are not based on any experimental evidence but are just figment of imagination.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

A fight for equality

Gender equality or the fight for gender equality is an issue that is not taken seriously by the majority of people. Not only it is ignored but it is misunderstood as well. Gender equality means the right to be treated an equal in all spheres of social, cultural, professional or political life. Even in the twenty first century, women do not have equal rights over land or possessions, they are still not paid equal wages for equal work, they still do not get priority in education or health care, they still do not have an equal political voice. The result is that they have to fight for their rights and they continue to do so. Recently, women in Kerala formed a 620 km long human chain to stand up for equality in the religious sphere. Despite the court order, the women are still barred from entering a temple. But the issue is not of just one religious place barring entry of women, this discrimination is present across the world. Discrimination against women is actually discrimination against almost half the world. It has been a fact that cultures that do not discriminate against women have a better future. Studies suggest that the world hunger could be reduced if only women get an equal right over land ownership. Educated mothers bring up better children. Yet, the society bars them from the rights that they have. Gender equality is a right, it is not a privilege. Striving for the same could lead to a more peaceful and progressive future.