Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Water conservation

While the majority of the earth's surface is covered by water, only 3% of it is usable. Pollution of the usable resources is a major problem for the environment as it not only damages the water quality, it also puts marine life at danger. Further, the pollution of water bodies leads to the pollutants traveling up in the food chain and poisoning at various levels. Conserving water is thus an important aspect of preserving the environment. Some of the steps to conserve water at basic level are as follows:
> Using motion sensors or timed water taps to reduce water wastage.
> Using sanitisers.
> Using organic cleaning agents so that water can be treated in situ and diverted for watering gardens, crops, etc
> Changing mindsets and creating awareness about water conservation.
> Rainwater harvesting.
At a larger level, it is important to treat the industrial and factory wastes before releasing the water in water bodies. A more conscious approach for treatment in situ is important to prevent the large scale pollution of rivers and lakes. Preventing oil spills in ocean bodies is also important. Levying hefty fines for polluting water bodies will also act as  deterrent.
Taking steps at various levels is important for preventing water pollution and thus, saving the aquatic life and protecting the environment.

Monday, 27 August 2018

Zero waste

With the rising levels of pollution leading to climate change and extinction of species, it is important that steps are being taken to protect the environment. Protecting the environment means reducing pollution levels which can be attained by reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses and limiting wastes. The various steps towards reducing the amount of waste released in the environment are:
> Reduce and ultimately phase out single use plastics such as straws, bottles, disposable plates, cutlery.
> Minimise the amount of plastics in packaging of food items and other goods.
> Reduce the potion size in restaurants and cafeteria to cut down on food wastage.
> Use incentives like price cut for bringing own cups or plates to cafeterias, etc.
> Using organic plates, bowls, made of leaves, where needed, that are biodegradable.
> Create apps that tell about location of recycling bins, compost facilities especially in college campuses and shopping malls as well as beaches and tourist spots.
> Creating awareness about recycling, using social media as well as other platforms.
> Have plenty of dishwashing sinks on campuses to encourage the reusing of utensils.
> Reducing the amount of paper that is used for communications.
> Recycling garments into other useful items to prevent their being dumped into garbage holes.
By working towards reducing the amount of waste generated, one can have a positive impact towards curbing the pollution levels and helping the environment.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Sustainable development

The Earth is a unique planet in the sense that it supports life but at the same time it is effected by the activities of the living creatures. All animal and plant species are dependent on the environment for their survival, they cannot sustain in conditions that are too harsh for them. Man is different from other animals as he is capable of changing the environment according to his needs. Anthropogenic factors have changed the face of the earth and have lead to climate change which may be irreversible. Developments in the fields of industry and energy have had a far reaching effect and today, the world is facing global warming, rising sea levels, high levels of pollution and an overall climate change.
The concept of sustainable development means development that does not harm the environment but rather preserves it. The key elements of sustainable development are reducing the carbon footprint by minimising the use of fossil fuels and protecting the green belts and reducing pollution levels. Banning or reducing the use of plastics, building 'green' homes and offices, increasing the green cover, banning coal, using wind and solar energy are some of the key areas where sustainable development is active. Another aspect is the legal one, where the polluter is made to pay for the environmental damage that he has caused. He is levied hefty penalties to ensure that he is an example for others as well.
The concept of sustainable development is based on the principles that we are not the owners of this planet but rather the trustees for the future generations to come. It aims at protecting the natural climate for the future generations instead of consuming all the natural resources and harming the planet. Sustainable growth aims at advancing in science and tech7while at the same time being conscious of the well being of the planet that supports life.