Thursday, 24 August 2017

The Pen and the Paper

Once the Pen and the Paper had a talk over who is the stronger of the two. The Pen said, I am stronger for haven't you heard that a pen is mightier than a sword. You can be white and shining bright, but once I move over you, I can change your face forever, I can mark you the way that your identity will change.
The Paper smiled and said softly, I know you can change my face for ever and the words you write over me can change the world. But do not forget that as you move over you, you lose a bit of yourself in me, but don't worry my friend, for as you finish your life supply, I will keep your essence in me as long as I survive. Together we can show the world what needs to be done, the words you write on me shall be read and remembered and they will guide the world.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Science and religion

Often religion is criticized on the ground that it goes against the scientific principles and stifles scientific growth. Critics often point out certain portions of religious texts which are in contravention of now established scientific facts. Adherents of religion often try to prove their religious texts as authentic by trying to prove that certain scientific truths were already mentioned in scriptures, though through a hidden meaning. By trying to point out scientific facts in religious texts, people often end as  being subjected to ridicule and often because as scientific discoveries and theories tend to change. Science and religion cover different spheres of human existence. While science tries to understand the universe and physical world as well as biological factors along with trying to improve the quality of human life, religion is more concerned with the spiritual aspect of human existence. People make a mistake of using science to attack religion or vice versa. People should make a healthy balance between the two. It is unwise to say that a person of science cannot be religious or a person of God cannot be curious about the world around him. Even the foundation of the science of genetics was laid down by a monk in a monastery. What is required is a childlike curiosity to find out what the world is all about. Religion says God created the world, science tries to find out how He did it. The creation and how it came into existence is a subject of science, why it came into existence is of religion. The two are not competitors, rather they complement and supplement each other. In fact, the maximum that a scientist does is try to find out the mystery behind kun fayakun.

Monday, 21 August 2017


Let the writer in me write
And let the poet speak
for the tales of anguish be retold
Before men forget and sleep
As they watch the buildings crumble
And the towns disintegrate
A shadow of the past looms up
And begs us to stop the hate
For the men who walked, crawled
And the women hide their tears
Stop before it is too late
Stop before all is covered in fear

Why muslims suffer?

Around the world, the muslim community is suffering because of the terrorist organizations and the phobia attached because of them. While everyone knows that the vast majority of the community does not agree with the terrorist ideology but in fact condemns it, yet islamophobia is increasing. One of the reasons for this increase maybe that there is no way of differentiating between who is good and who is bad. The other reason is that the community is not doing enough. The community is trying to build with words that which the terrorists destroy by action. The love, the trust, the faith has been lost and we have to regain it. We may condemn all that we may want but still the actions are not enough. The net result, the social media, the print media, televisions, radios, everywhere there are people who are mocking and criticizing the community. It is time for the community to accelerate its march towards education and empowerment, to become the scientists, doctors, engineers, politicians  and statesmen, who can truly reflect t the real religion. Just doing the lip service is no longer enough, the community needs to march forwards and rebuild that which has been lost. True, there still be some critics but at least the majority will acknowledge us as the builders and not the destroyers.