Islam has been blamed for being harsh and discriminatory towards women by the modern day feminists, being blamed of harming and harassing women. Islam has been often portrayed as subjecting women to hardships and second grade status. However, looking at Islam, one can see that it is in fact a very feminist religion, giving rights to women that none had given before.
Girl child
Quran has given special importance to daughters and has come out harshly against female infanticide. It has also criticized people who are saddened when a daughter is born. The Holy Prophet and his wife Khadijah threw open their doors to any woman who felt danger for her daughter.
The Quran prohibits marrying a woman against her wish. A woman has been given a right to chose her husband. Further, a man cannot take a second wife without the consent of his first wife and can do so only if he treats both of them equally. In a marriage, the husband is duty bound to provide for the wife, to see that her honor and dignity are maintained. He has to promise on various conditions of how he will take care of his wife. The wife is also not bound to do all the entire household chores, the Prophet made an example by helping his wives in their work. Under Islam, a woman is not bound to take up her husband's name, rather she retains her own identity.
Islam gave the women to divorce their husbands over various reasons. When a woman came to the Holy Prophet saying that she is beautiful while her husband's short and dark looks repel her, He granted her wish for divorce. Further, a man cannot divorce his wife out of his whims and fancies but should have a valid reason for it(practiced in Shia school).
Dower, dowry and maintenance
In Islam, the practice of giving dowry to the groom is prohibited, instead dowry or dower is given to the bride. Men are prohibited from taking that amount back unless the wife returns it out of her free will. In case of breakdown of marriage, the husband pays the maintenance during the iddat of his wife and also pays the maintenance of his children. He is also liable to take care of all the expenses of his wife if she is nursing the child as long as she nurses.
Islam gave the right of inheritance to the women long before anyone else. Daughters inherit from their fathers, widows from their husbands. They have a right over both the movable and immovable properties.
Education and work
Islam encourages teaching of girls and women and also does not prohibit their working. Khadijah, the wife of the Holy Prophet was a highly successful businesswoman. Women in Islam have also been important narrators of the traditions of the Prophet and of the various events in the Islamic history. Women used to question the Prophet about various issues and many verses of the Quran address them directly.
Thus, it can be seen that Islam actually came as a reform movement for the rights of women and gave to women such rights fourteen centuries back that the world is still struggling to attain. Whatever other practices that are seen in the Muslim world that are discriminatory towards women are due to cultural differences and have got nothing to do with Islam.