Sunday, 15 November 2015


Every time a terrorist attack is carried on by a couple of men claiming to be Muslim, millions of Muslims around the world have to justify their religion. They have to prove that they don't support terrorism, they have prove their patriotism. They have to prove it to acquaintances, colleagues, perfect strangers and even their 'friends'. But maybe it's time that other people explain their prejudice. Why they question the integrity of a person they have known for ages. There are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims, like there are good and bad people in all other religions. Yes, true the terrorists  shout 'Allahuakbar' 'God is great' before their act but this is what is important. Anyone can say God is great but a truly religious person will know the qualities of God. A Muslim is taught from the very childhood to say 'Auzobillaheminash shaitainirrajeem Bismillahir rehman ir raheem' before starting a work. Reason? Because by saying auzobillahe, a person means he is seeking refuge with Allah from the devil who is his greatest enemy and will thus not get tempted towards evil. By saying Bismillah, he says in the name of Allah, the most merciful, most beneficent. And anyone who invokes a merciful God, cannot be merciless himself. He cannot kill any other person. The terrorists cannot say these words. These words will tell him that he is wrong. And this is the greatest justification of the religion of Islam, the religion that derives its name from the word Salam or peace.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Attempts at harming the refugees

The latest attack in Paris is a way of harming the refugees. By attacking European nations, the terrorists are trying to present that these countries are in danger from the refugees. They want a backlash on the poor homeless people and they want the borders to be closed so that the refugees have no place to go. By doing this, they want to send a message to the asylum seekers that west is hostile towards them and their only option is to join the terrorist outfit to get back at the west. They want to give legitimacy to their evil plans and to prove that there is an ongoing war. The very people, who are running away from these terrorists will be forced to seek shelter from them and thus, these outfits will claim that they are the only legitimate place for Muslims. The terror organizations are aiming for a backlash on the peaceful law abiding Muslim community so as to substantiate their claims.
The way to defeat these terrorists is to stay united and not let them enter the minds of the gullible Muslims living in the west. The society should come together to defeat their ideology. From educational institutions to workplaces, playgrounds to transportation, everywhere it is required that the correct religion and morality be presented so that the youth is not misguided. And humanity is above everything else is the motto that should be taught to children from a very tender age. Unity amongst all people is the only way to defeat the terrorists.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Bloody Friday again

Closely following the attack on the Russian aircraft, the beheading of 7 people in Afghanistan, suicide bombing in Baghdad and Beirut, now firing and bombing in Paris, the world seems to know no end of terrorism. The terrorists have hijacked a religion and using it for their evil intentions. While the world reels under the terrorist activities and its repercussions, the victims of the terrorist acts have to deal with the loss of loved ones. But even greater loss is suffered by the refugees whose lands have been grabbed by these terrorists and are running to save their lives. These terrorist activities will prevent the western countries from helping these refugees. These children of no land suffer for no fault of their own. Who will help these displaced people? They are followed by the dark shadows of evil. This world needs peace now. Children need peace, they need homes, schools, food, medicines, playgrounds. The world needs a brighter future, not orphans carrying the burden of treachery.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Charlie hebdo, the joke is on you

Charlie hebdo made a cartoon or rather they thought they are making a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad and got away with it. They claimed freedom of speech while defending the attempt at hurting the feelings of a large number of people. They got away because of the terrorist attack at their office. They got support because a large number of people are tired of terrorism and defended them. But the hatred and the contempt that they carry with them didn't rest. Becoming bold because of the support at the time of the terrorist attack they went further. Next they mocked the death of a drowned toddler and got public backlash but even then they got away. And then they mocked the tragic plane crash and got the real outrage. Charged with blasphemy, they are criticized by one and all. Now nobody supports them or defends their freedom of speech.
God said when they start doing wrong we loosen their rope till they get deeper and deeper in sin and then we pull their rope and they fall. Charlie hebdo continued in its wrongful acts, getting bolder day by day, till they were left black faced with all their hypocrisy and hatred visible to all.
Charlie hebdo refused to publish a cartoon of Jesus Christ saying that it will hurt people and they will get a negative response but they deliberately hurt the sentiments of Muslims by attempting to publish a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad. Why I say attempting to publish? It's simply because they claim that they are making a cartoon of our Prophet but the truth is that they are just drawing a cartoon that isn't and cannot be a representative of Prophet Mohammad. The truth is that their pens cannot even come close to drawing such an image. And they know that they cannot draw therefore, they target and incite Muslims with their drawings. They want Muslims to react do that they can justify their drawings and ascribe them to the Peophet. But the joke is on them. The more they draw, the lower they fall. The more they draw and (they can't keep on drawing on a single topic so they have to draw on other events as well) the more they get bold, the more they are criticized and even jailed and charged with blasphemy. The joke is on Charlie hebdo because they have fallen in their own trap.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Intolerance is good, arrogance is not

Sometimes it is good to be intolerant. It is good to be intolerant in the face of injustice, because anyone who tolerates injustice becomes party of the unjust. It is good to be intolerant of poverty, because tolerating poverty creates great divides in the society. It is good to be intolerant of human rights violations because tolerating violence and oppression makes one oppressor. It is good to be intolerant of social evils because tolerating them will be like wind to a wildfire engulfing the very moral fabric our societies are built upon. It is good to be intolerant of cruelty because tolerating it will make you hard hearted.
But it's bad to be arrogant, arrogant of one's religion, of one's tribe, one's ancestors, one's habits, arrogance leads to violence. Arrogance destroys relations. Arrogance destroys unity, it destroys the harmony, the trust that is essential for any organization, any structure to function. Arrogant enough to kill any person is wrong. Arrogant enough to disrespect the intellectuals of the nation is bad. Arrogant enough not to cherish the differences, arrogant enough to not listen to another person's viewpoint is bad. Arrogance needs a cure before it spreads like cancer and destroys the body.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Holiday season

On Halloween I was standing in my room and watching kids dressed up going for trick and treat. It was all a playful act with n number of witches and ghouls, Spider-Men and pirates, bumblebees and lady birds flocked outside with their parents. The next morning, I saw the same kids comparing their candies and playing with each other. It was all a fun activity. The cool breeze was a respite after months of heat. The skies clouded, the air filled with playful screams. Families and friends gathered together, enjoying each other's company.
With the Halloween over, now it is officially time to enter into the Christmas spirit. The daylight saving time has ended, the weather has changed into a more pleasant one, even the Starbucks cups have changed their color. Yes, the holiday season is officially upon us. But in all this playful joyful season I miss my home. I miss the home that is no longer there. I miss my childhood days when we played with our cousins. I miss the time when I planted seasonal flowers in my garden. I miss the time spent with my mom and my grandparents. With deaths and people moving away, the home I miss is now nonexistent, what I long for, I cannot get to. It's time to move forward, but somewhere in my heart, I feel homesick for the home that isn't there.