Monday, 17 August 2015

Whose fault is it, anyways?

Every time I read some report about girls who left their families to join isis, I feel sorry about them and their families but I also wonder about why they did what they did. For young European girls to leave their aspirations, their homes, their dreams, their freedom, is something that is disturbing as well as it opens the floodgates of questioning minds. Why would a girl do that and who is to be blamed? The parents that failed to integrate, the school that failed to notice the change, the society that failed to accept, the social media that is ever effective in spreading mischief, or the authorities that failed to take action?
One thing is there that the parents failed to give the real picture of the world and left the us versus them feeling in the minds of their children. Further, a false picture of Islam is also painted, a picture that shows that the western world is evil. Yes, it is true that post 911, islamophobia has increased and the terrorist organization take advantage of it to lure gullible youth that has failed to mingle in their society towards itself. While men go to join the jihadist, the girls go to marry these mass murderers. For a girl to give up her dreams to marry a criminal, is something very sad.
Religion is something to be practiced within closed doors. Outside a person should try to be a good human being. Morality and humanity is above all the religions of the world. Universal brotherhood is a fact that needs to be preached everywhere. People tend to keep themselves secluded from different cultures and also societies feel reluctant in accepting new people. This feeling of us and them needs to change. Evil doers wait for these opportunities to brain wash young people by saying that only they can provide them with good life. It is all a lie. A rapist, a murderer, a terrorist will never provide a good life or a meaning to life. A misguided person cannot guide anyone.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Dark demon

There is a strange emptiness in my heart
It engulfs me from inside out
I feel like no day or night-
Can fill this void inside
No flower, no sound, no amusement
Can take me away from me
A dark demon whispers to me
Carrying me to my doom
Takes away all hopes from me
And leaves me in my gloom 

Monday, 10 August 2015

How feminists damaged the cause of women

The fight for equality between genders for allowing the freedom to work for women and to be treated as an equal. It involved giving women the right to vote, the right to work, the right to express her own self. It included the right of choice to marry a person of one's liking in some societies as well. The fight for gender justice is about the independence. Feminism was about equality, it was about being treated with respect.
In the twenty first century, the issues of feminists lie majorly with the right to sexual preference and the right to expose one's body. Today, the feminists stand for right to have sex as a major issue. It is undoubtedly a woman's right whether she wants to marry or not, whether she wants one night stand or a live in relationship, the problem is that in a society where men prefer a no strings attached sexual relationship as a way of their gratification, gullible women may actually end up at the receiving end. Many feminists have also attacked the traditional attires of certain societies that require women to cover their body as being regressive and oppressive. Unfortunately, their protests in the form of running naked on streets actually led to the objectification of their bodies.
A woman's sexual preference is not the be all and end all where majority of the women suffer from domestic abuse, low education rate, less pay, poor healthcare facility, poor nutrition and so on. Where women still suffer from malnutrition, where there is high maternal mortality rate, the concern of the feminists should be concentrated on nutrition and healthcare. Feminism should concentrate of preventing female feticide and female infanticide. It should aim at increasing education for girl child and creating job opportunities for women. Feminism should be about empowerment. It should aim at ending sexual abuse and not just the sexual choice. It should target the overall development and wellbeing of a woman and not just one aspect of her life. Feminism should be about making a woman an equal human and not just an equal bed partner.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Murder of free speech

Another blogger has been murdered in Bangladesh because of his secular blog posts. Bangladesh a country ostensibly secular with 90% Muslim population is known for harassing and murdering its secular writers and bloggers, many being murdered and a number having fled the country. This is the fourth case of the murder of a secular blogger this year in Bangladesh.
The freedom of a country is determined by the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the most important freedoms in a democracy. It is the basis of a democratic setup. The right to express opinions that might oppose the current situations are essential for both, the free working of a democracy as well as the progressive society. A nation that cannot protect protect the fundamental freedom of speech for its citizens is crumbling in its foundation giving way to more fanatic regimes. Democracy rests on free speech and religious elements infringing upon this freedom can ruin the basis of a secular democracy.

Women in the Islamic state

Women throughout the history of mankind have suffered gravely from injustices based on their gender. From slavery to genital mutilation, rape to murder for honor, their voices have been curtailed and they have often been used as property rather than a human being.
The Islamic state is no stranger to the harassment of women. It captures women specially the yazidi and Christian women and girls, it sells them into slave market to be used as sex slaves. The reports say women are stripped naked in open market and sold to the highest bidder, often sold to more than one man. Young girls specially between one and nine years of age fetch the highest prices. Recently nineteen women were executed for refusing to have sex with members of Isis. Middle East is a place where adultery leads to stoning, under Isis refusing to commit adultery leads to execution. Isis is against all human values. It does not respect the sanctity of human life. It does not respect the honor of women and instead treats them as sex slaves. Women are subjected to harshest of punishments. Rapes and pedophilia is rampant. Every single human right, every single moral value is destroyed in this barbaric regime of madness.