Friday, 26 June 2015

Terrorism across the globe

Friday morning began with the news of 120 bombed in a village in Syria, 1 beheaded outside a gas factory in France, 27 shot dead in a beach resort in Tunisia and more than 13 killed in suicide bombing in a Shia mosque in Kuwait. Violence across three continents, carried out by the same terrorist organization speaks volumes about how evil that group of individuals is. The organization Islamic state does not follow any religion for no religion is devoid of humanity. These are barbaric people who hate every good thing in the world. They are against freedom, against equality, they are against humanity, against tolerance, they are against love, against brotherhood, they are against religion, they are against God.
Killing innocents can never be a way towards God. Instead it is a way towards evil. When they bombed worshipper a during Friday prayers while fasting on a hot summer day in the month of Ramadan, when they bombed innocents in their village, when they beheaded a man and tried to bomb a gas factory hoping to cause greater damage, when they shot dead people vacationing in a holiday resort, they gave out just one message, a message of their oppressive nature. They showed that they are shameless creatures who attack unarmed innocent men, women and children. They are cowards who want to rule this world by spreading fear. They call others unbelievers while they themselves don't believe that God is merciful. These people hate God, they love power and bloodshed. They are the enemies of God, they are the enemies of mankind.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Racism in the modern society

In the present day world, we want to believe that we live in an equal society, in a free world. We want to feel that racism is a thing of past. But the current event of the shooting and mass murder at an African church in charleston has brought back the question that does racism still exist in a nation as free as the United States? The truth is that racism is very much prevalent here. The neighborhood inhabited by mostly African American is considered to be not a good neighborhood. The public schools in such areas are not good. It is considered to be better to avoid such areas. Similarly, the areas designated as Seminole reserves are better to be avoided. People may show a little smirk, a little change in facial expression or voice tone around people who are not white. There is a hidden implication of fear, disgust and superiority. Yes, hate crimes have increased in the recent times. They have increased because the mindset has not changed, the feeling of racial superiority still exists.

Prayers for the victims, their families and the survivors of the charleston attack.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Freedoms in a democracy

The Constitution of India has given the citizen of India the freedoms of speech and expression, of association, movement, peaceful assembly, the right to life and liberty, the freedom of religion, of equality. The preamble to the constitution even declares that the citizens are sovereign. In such circumstances the government has got no right to dictate of how the citizens should exercise, what they eat, how they gather, and so on. The only restrictions laid down are those of public health, order and morality and these are the only grounds on which the government may restrict certain freedoms but under no circumstance can it force the people to live their life in a particular manner. A person may or may not choose to eat certain foods, he may or may not exercise in a certain manner or attend an assembly, the government cannot force him and cannot call him anti national if he states religious reasons for acting in a certain fashion. The right to profess, practice and propagate religion has been protected by the constitution itself and the exercise of such a right does not make a person any less patriotic.