Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Isis crisis

Globally terrorism is a major crisis that has lead to deaths relocation of thousands of innocents leading to various problems involving security, trust, refugees and political imbalance. The various acts of terrorism have pushed together various countries and at the same alienated various others. The biggest crisis is for the adherents of a particular religious belief that the terrorists also claim to represent. While it seems logical that any religion cannot promote acts of violence, the recent activities of Isis and allied outfits has created a feeling of distrust and alienation of millions of Muslims who even though are against Isis are treated as those belonging to the terrorist mentality. The identity crisis faced by many young Muslims is a serious issue. While on one hand it is turning many against the religion, various others are getting attracted by the jihadist outlook. While we can say that it is a result of wrong interpretation of religion and brainwashing of the youth, we cannot ignore the fact that the identity crisis is causing what is called the 'labeling theory' and is forcing the youth towards violence. The net result is that in both cases good people are being lost. It is a problem to be tackled at its roots. The current situation is not going to do any good for anyone. The world is reeling into its own collapse.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Life and challenges

One of the biggest challenge in my life is to relocate from my comfort zone. Moving brings about lots of emotional turmoil. The stress of breaking apart, of leaving behind what I am used to is very distressing for me. Building home and then leaving it behind leaves me emotionally numb and unable to do any rational thinking.
Yes, we are again in transit and this time to a destination unknown. Again, there is an unknown future to look ahead of us. But sometimes I feel that these events of moving to new unknown terrains is actually a practice for leaving this world for good. Leaving behind the bonds that we had formed, discarding our possessions, de cluttering our lives, is what will eventually prepare us for the hereafter. For every life is moving towards death, every known us going towards unknown. The biggest challenge is to accept this reality and move forwards with a unburdened heart.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Rights and responsibilities

Our lives are defined by the rights we have and the duties or responsibilities that we owe towards our fellow human beings. Every right has a corresponding duty. One man's right is another's duty and neither can exist in isolation.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right a man possesses and the same right has certain corresponding duties like duty not to hurt another with one's speech. While on one hand, the freedom of press is a benchmark of knowing how liberal a country's government and policies are, on the other hand the imposition of certain restrictions or liabilities ensures that no person is hurt because of that speech.
As pen is mightier than sword, words written by a pen can cause more irreparable damage than the deeds from sword.

A cure for your mind

Considering homosexuality as equal to drug or alcohol addiction and administering a cure/medicines for it is in itself a disease of the mind. Treating a person's sexual preferences as a disease or a problem is a problem in itself. Homosexuality is caused by a number of reasons but it is in no way a disease or a problem that medicines or counseling can cure. It is the way a person is. It is a fact of his life. Interfering in his personal life and criminalizing homosexual relations between consenting adults is a gross violation of a person's fundamental right of life and privacy. It is also violative of the right to equality that is guaranteed to every human being. It is time that people acknowledge and accept homosexuality as a normal thing as normal as heterosexual relations.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Freedom of speech and right to offend

A man's right to free speech allows him to express his feelings to the outer world. His likes, his dislikes, his thoughts, his opinions, speech is the outlet through which he communicates and explains his very essence. However, speech may also be conflicting, contradicting the notions of right and wrong. Sometimes, speech may hurt other people. How much is too much freedom is a question of cultures and social regulations. In countries like India, free speech is subject to certain restrictions that may be imposed on the grounds of obscenity, inciting offences, effecting peaceful relations, public order, national security while in countries like the middle eastern states, there is very little free speech. On the other hand, European and American countries afford their citizens unrestricted freedom of speech and expression. However, sometimes this freedom of speech comes along with a burden of violence if it is loaded with distasteful subjects. While free speech is a right to be cherished, should its excessive usage so as to offend and disregard other communities and cultures be allowed to remain specially if that means innocent lives be lost is a question requiring a lengthy debate and a course that is reasonable should be taken.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Nothing's changed

One person draws an imaginery drawing of another personality that is revered by the followers of a particular faith and a third person goes on a mad killing spree because of it. Hasn't the person who goes killing is the one who has ascribed that drawing to the revered personality? Hasn't he the one who has actually brought a bad name? Isn't it he who has actually offended and not defended or avenged? When can killing someone has lead to salvation? When has acts of violence brought peace or good in the world? Every life is precious, every soul needs guidance. Only love can defeat hatred, only goodness can defeat evil.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

A new year's wish

I wish for more love
I wish for less hatred
I wish for peace
I wish for less conflicts
I wish for happy, healthy children
I wish for less starvation and disease
I wish for more unity
I wish for less violence
I wish for a better tomorrow
A future of change, a future of progress