Thursday, 31 December 2015

As the year ends

As the year ends, it is time to reflect. Though the ending of a year has no cosmic or terrestrial inpact, neither the seasons nor the life impacted but the change of dates brings some hope for the future. As we reflect on this year that was harsh on the children of war torn nations and refugees, it may be the right time to take a pledge that the coming times will be better. This year had started on the note of terror attacks and ended in threats, it may be the time to come together to bring about peace. The year saw many turbulences from political to religious, it might be the time to mend fences and start the new one on a friendly note.
As the year ends, it seems like a right time to mend relations and start afresh.
As the year ends, maybe we should resolve to make each day better than the previous one.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Christmas and the message of Christ

December 25th may or may not be day Christ was born, it maybe the conversion of pagan festivals and rituals, but now it symbolizes Christ and nothing but Christ. When we think of Jesus, we think of him as an embodiment of love and mercy. He gave the message of love, to love one's neighbors, to love one's enemies. In today's chaotic world, this message of love, of kindness and forgiveness, of charity, of mercy, is even more important. When religion has become the dividing force, when people are being harassed, when places of worship are being vandalized and religious books are desecrated, it is even more important to remember and practice what Jesus preached. Discrimination on the ground of race or religion is surely not in accordance with the message of Christ. Jesus said to forgive seven into seventy times, it is time we start forgiving. It is time to receive with open hands all those who seek shelter. It is time to show some kindness, to allow for the differences to fade away and come together as one human family. There are evil forces that are trying to break us, it is time to come together even stronger and defeat the evil.

Women in Islam-2

Islam laid down a system of respect for women and tried to remove all the social evils concerning them. From criticizing female infanticide to showing respect to daughters and sisters, Islam brought about many changes in the status of women.
Status of mothers
In Islam, mothers have been given a very high status, with her position being three times higher than that of the father. The role of mothers in the upbringing of their children has been held in high esteem and consequently her status is raised.
Islam removed all taboos attached to widowhood and made the widow a lawful heir of her deceased husband as well as made widow remarriage acceptable. The holy Prophet himself married war widows to encourage widow remarriage.
Thus, it can be safely concluded that Islam came as a reform movement for the rights of women and encouraged as well as honored their role in the society. Islam never subjugated or treated women as second class citizens rather it helped and raised them to a higher status.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Women in islam

Islam has been blamed for being harsh and discriminatory towards women by the modern day feminists, being blamed of harming and harassing women. Islam has been often portrayed as subjecting women to hardships and second grade status. However, looking at Islam, one can see that it is in fact a very feminist religion, giving rights to women that none had given before.
Girl child
Quran has given special importance to daughters and has come out harshly against female infanticide. It has also criticized people who are saddened when a daughter is born. The Holy Prophet and his wife Khadijah threw open their doors to any woman who felt danger for her daughter.
The Quran prohibits marrying a woman against her wish. A woman has been given a right to chose her husband. Further, a man cannot take a second wife without the consent of his first wife and can do so only if he treats both of them equally. In a marriage, the husband is duty bound to provide for the wife, to see that her honor and dignity are maintained. He has to promise on various conditions of how he will take care of his wife. The wife is also not bound to do all the entire household chores, the Prophet made an example by helping his wives in their work. Under Islam, a woman is not bound to take up her husband's name, rather she retains her own identity.
Islam gave the women to divorce their husbands over various reasons. When a woman came to the Holy Prophet saying that she is beautiful while her husband's short and dark looks repel her, He granted her wish for divorce. Further, a man cannot divorce his wife out of his whims and fancies but should have a valid reason for it(practiced in Shia school).
Dower, dowry and maintenance
In Islam, the practice of giving dowry to the groom is prohibited, instead dowry or dower is given to the bride. Men are prohibited from taking that amount back unless the wife returns it out of her free will. In case of breakdown of marriage, the husband pays the maintenance during the iddat of his wife and also pays the maintenance of his children. He is also liable to take care of all the expenses of his wife if she is nursing the child as long as she nurses.
Islam gave the right of inheritance to the women long before anyone else. Daughters inherit from their fathers, widows from their husbands. They have a right over both the movable and immovable properties.
Education and work
Islam encourages teaching of girls and women and also does not prohibit their working. Khadijah, the wife of the Holy Prophet was a highly successful businesswoman. Women in Islam have also been important narrators of the traditions of the Prophet and of the various events in the Islamic history. Women used to question the Prophet about various issues and many verses of the Quran address them directly.
Thus, it can be seen that Islam actually came as a reform movement for the rights of women and gave to women such rights fourteen centuries back that the world is still struggling to attain. Whatever other practices that are seen in the Muslim world that are discriminatory towards women are due to cultural differences and have got nothing to do with Islam.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Children are not stats

Every day we read that so many thousand children are refugees seeking asylum, so many thousands are child soldiers, so many thousand are malnourished or suffering from diseases. Children are not just a number. Every child comes in this world carrying hopes and dreams of his parents. Every child has hopes, desires, dreams. A child wants to grow up, to become someone. When these young dreamers are turned into numbers because of the evils of the world, it becomes a matter of great shame. A child needs parental love and care, education and opportunity to lead a productive life. He needs friends and playgrounds, he needs peace so that he can achieve whatever he aspires for. No child deserves his childhood be tainted by sorrows due to wars or migration. No child deserves that his life be cut short due to political or civil conflicts. We need to bring about peace for the sake of these children who are the future of this world. We need a world where every child smiles, every child gets to enjoy his childhood, a world free from starvation and diseases. A better world for the generations of tomorrow.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Where did we go wrong?

The latest bomb explosion in parachinar area of Pakistan adds to the already large number of bomb attacks in Asia and Africa this year. With hundreds dying in terrorist attacks and still no solution to the problem, it seems that the evil is growing continuously. Almost every single one of these have been linked to one or the other terrorist outfit. The victims are mostly Shias, ahmadis or non Muslims with the Muslim sects making the largest number of victims. Then there are refugees fleeing from these areas, some making it, some dying on the way, and then facing strict scrutiny because of the very evil that they are fleeing. On the other hand, we have instances of gun violence in the United States with over 300 reported this year and no law on gun control in sight. Something is seriously wrong with the world where it seems that nobody cares for the human life. Where did we go wrong that we have generations destroyed by this evil ideology to kill anyone who is different? We need to create a world of peace, a place for our children to grow and their children to enjoy. We haven't inherited this earth from our forefathers, we hold it in trust for the future generations. Let's try to save it, make it a better place.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Playing the victim

Justice, Liberty, equality, secularism and democracy are the basis of the modern society and most of the constitutions in the world have imbibed them. From the universal declaration of human rights to the constitution of individual nations have adopted these principles in governing the people. To ensure these principles, the constitutions have also laid down special provisions for the weaker sections of the society, women, children, refugees, indigenous people, minorities, disabled people. These rights are given not as an appeasement but as a means of bringing these less privileged classes at par with the privileged classes so that the goals of equality are attained. These include the reservations for the backward classes and scheduled castes and tribes, these include protection of rights of blacks, refugees and indigenous people, these include the protection of religious and linguists minorities. However, certain people who belong to the privileged class do not understand the problems faced by these weaker people and feel that they are being victimized. They criticize any action taken for the weaker people. They play the victim, stating that they suffer because of reservations or they state that secularism is being forced upon them because they are majority while the minorities are free to do what they like. They do not pay heed to the fact that the reservation is there to remove the social inequality and not to harass the others. They live in denial of the fact that reservation is there because certain people have been discriminated against for a long time and because of which they are socially, economically and educationally backward. They again do not understand that religious and linguistic minorities need protection so that they may prosper otherwise they will continue to be weak and backward. And they forget that equality and secularism are tenets of the constitutions and not the result of political fancy.

Justice evaded

Justice should not only be done, it should seem to have been done. When the person against whom the judgement is passed feels that justice has been done, it is real Justice. When everybody is satisfied with the verdict and both the parties feel content, it is Justice. In a system, where the rich rarely get punished for their crimes and poor always pay the price, Justice becomes a mere word of mouth. Justice without fear or favor, Justice to the weak is the aim of law. Law is there to protect the weak, it should not bend towards the rich and the powerful. When the law process is delayed and the witnesses are bought, there is no sense of justice. In a world of inequality, law has a special duty to see that the haves and have nots are treated equally. Witness protection is another duty of the legal system. The administration should ensured that the witnesses are not corrupted. Compensation pays a great role in the lives of the have nots but monetary compensation cannot bring back the dead ones. The guilty party should have a duty to provide for the dependents and the victim should feel that he has been given a just verdict.

Sunday, 15 November 2015


Every time a terrorist attack is carried on by a couple of men claiming to be Muslim, millions of Muslims around the world have to justify their religion. They have to prove that they don't support terrorism, they have prove their patriotism. They have to prove it to acquaintances, colleagues, perfect strangers and even their 'friends'. But maybe it's time that other people explain their prejudice. Why they question the integrity of a person they have known for ages. There are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims, like there are good and bad people in all other religions. Yes, true the terrorists  shout 'Allahuakbar' 'God is great' before their act but this is what is important. Anyone can say God is great but a truly religious person will know the qualities of God. A Muslim is taught from the very childhood to say 'Auzobillaheminash shaitainirrajeem Bismillahir rehman ir raheem' before starting a work. Reason? Because by saying auzobillahe, a person means he is seeking refuge with Allah from the devil who is his greatest enemy and will thus not get tempted towards evil. By saying Bismillah, he says in the name of Allah, the most merciful, most beneficent. And anyone who invokes a merciful God, cannot be merciless himself. He cannot kill any other person. The terrorists cannot say these words. These words will tell him that he is wrong. And this is the greatest justification of the religion of Islam, the religion that derives its name from the word Salam or peace.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Attempts at harming the refugees

The latest attack in Paris is a way of harming the refugees. By attacking European nations, the terrorists are trying to present that these countries are in danger from the refugees. They want a backlash on the poor homeless people and they want the borders to be closed so that the refugees have no place to go. By doing this, they want to send a message to the asylum seekers that west is hostile towards them and their only option is to join the terrorist outfit to get back at the west. They want to give legitimacy to their evil plans and to prove that there is an ongoing war. The very people, who are running away from these terrorists will be forced to seek shelter from them and thus, these outfits will claim that they are the only legitimate place for Muslims. The terror organizations are aiming for a backlash on the peaceful law abiding Muslim community so as to substantiate their claims.
The way to defeat these terrorists is to stay united and not let them enter the minds of the gullible Muslims living in the west. The society should come together to defeat their ideology. From educational institutions to workplaces, playgrounds to transportation, everywhere it is required that the correct religion and morality be presented so that the youth is not misguided. And humanity is above everything else is the motto that should be taught to children from a very tender age. Unity amongst all people is the only way to defeat the terrorists.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Bloody Friday again

Closely following the attack on the Russian aircraft, the beheading of 7 people in Afghanistan, suicide bombing in Baghdad and Beirut, now firing and bombing in Paris, the world seems to know no end of terrorism. The terrorists have hijacked a religion and using it for their evil intentions. While the world reels under the terrorist activities and its repercussions, the victims of the terrorist acts have to deal with the loss of loved ones. But even greater loss is suffered by the refugees whose lands have been grabbed by these terrorists and are running to save their lives. These terrorist activities will prevent the western countries from helping these refugees. These children of no land suffer for no fault of their own. Who will help these displaced people? They are followed by the dark shadows of evil. This world needs peace now. Children need peace, they need homes, schools, food, medicines, playgrounds. The world needs a brighter future, not orphans carrying the burden of treachery.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Charlie hebdo, the joke is on you

Charlie hebdo made a cartoon or rather they thought they are making a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad and got away with it. They claimed freedom of speech while defending the attempt at hurting the feelings of a large number of people. They got away because of the terrorist attack at their office. They got support because a large number of people are tired of terrorism and defended them. But the hatred and the contempt that they carry with them didn't rest. Becoming bold because of the support at the time of the terrorist attack they went further. Next they mocked the death of a drowned toddler and got public backlash but even then they got away. And then they mocked the tragic plane crash and got the real outrage. Charged with blasphemy, they are criticized by one and all. Now nobody supports them or defends their freedom of speech.
God said when they start doing wrong we loosen their rope till they get deeper and deeper in sin and then we pull their rope and they fall. Charlie hebdo continued in its wrongful acts, getting bolder day by day, till they were left black faced with all their hypocrisy and hatred visible to all.
Charlie hebdo refused to publish a cartoon of Jesus Christ saying that it will hurt people and they will get a negative response but they deliberately hurt the sentiments of Muslims by attempting to publish a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad. Why I say attempting to publish? It's simply because they claim that they are making a cartoon of our Prophet but the truth is that they are just drawing a cartoon that isn't and cannot be a representative of Prophet Mohammad. The truth is that their pens cannot even come close to drawing such an image. And they know that they cannot draw therefore, they target and incite Muslims with their drawings. They want Muslims to react do that they can justify their drawings and ascribe them to the Peophet. But the joke is on them. The more they draw, the lower they fall. The more they draw and (they can't keep on drawing on a single topic so they have to draw on other events as well) the more they get bold, the more they are criticized and even jailed and charged with blasphemy. The joke is on Charlie hebdo because they have fallen in their own trap.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Intolerance is good, arrogance is not

Sometimes it is good to be intolerant. It is good to be intolerant in the face of injustice, because anyone who tolerates injustice becomes party of the unjust. It is good to be intolerant of poverty, because tolerating poverty creates great divides in the society. It is good to be intolerant of human rights violations because tolerating violence and oppression makes one oppressor. It is good to be intolerant of social evils because tolerating them will be like wind to a wildfire engulfing the very moral fabric our societies are built upon. It is good to be intolerant of cruelty because tolerating it will make you hard hearted.
But it's bad to be arrogant, arrogant of one's religion, of one's tribe, one's ancestors, one's habits, arrogance leads to violence. Arrogance destroys relations. Arrogance destroys unity, it destroys the harmony, the trust that is essential for any organization, any structure to function. Arrogant enough to kill any person is wrong. Arrogant enough to disrespect the intellectuals of the nation is bad. Arrogant enough not to cherish the differences, arrogant enough to not listen to another person's viewpoint is bad. Arrogance needs a cure before it spreads like cancer and destroys the body.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Holiday season

On Halloween I was standing in my room and watching kids dressed up going for trick and treat. It was all a playful act with n number of witches and ghouls, Spider-Men and pirates, bumblebees and lady birds flocked outside with their parents. The next morning, I saw the same kids comparing their candies and playing with each other. It was all a fun activity. The cool breeze was a respite after months of heat. The skies clouded, the air filled with playful screams. Families and friends gathered together, enjoying each other's company.
With the Halloween over, now it is officially time to enter into the Christmas spirit. The daylight saving time has ended, the weather has changed into a more pleasant one, even the Starbucks cups have changed their color. Yes, the holiday season is officially upon us. But in all this playful joyful season I miss my home. I miss the home that is no longer there. I miss my childhood days when we played with our cousins. I miss the time when I planted seasonal flowers in my garden. I miss the time spent with my mom and my grandparents. With deaths and people moving away, the home I miss is now nonexistent, what I long for, I cannot get to. It's time to move forward, but somewhere in my heart, I feel homesick for the home that isn't there.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Human values

Sometimes I wonder at who is human and who is animal. Just read about the injured deer that walked up to the emergency room of strong memorial hospital in the USA only to be carried out on a stretcher and killed. Nobody thought of sending him to a vet. He came because he needed help and was instead killed by the very persons who have sworn to help.
Earlier in the morning, I read about baby Umarali who was taken away from his mother Zarina by the police and sent to a hospital in Russia on October 13th and the next day the mother got a call that he's dead and she should collect the body. The fact that how can anyone separate a 5 month old baby from his mother is horrifying. The authorities snatching away the babies of refugees and not letting the mothers be with them and ultimately leading to the death of the infant are acts of gross violation of human rights.
Everyday there is news of human rights violations from one or the other part of the world. There is a gradual degradation of human values. A society devoid of humanity cannot sustain itself. It's time that the human race checks it's conscience.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


During our childhood days, one of the interesting and eventful visitations were those of the kabadiwala (the guy who collected recyclable things). Once a substantial amount of old newspapers, notebooks, magazines, bottles and other recyclable items collected, the kabadiwala was summoned. So generally during summer break and Sundays, the morning would be dedicated to the selling of junk. It was an interesting activity, the ladies of the house, kids, servants and dogs had their role. Mummy and amma would tell what all stuff to take out, servants would sort and keep everything out, we would be running around hoping to salvage some of the treasure and dogs would be barking madly.
Once the kabadiwala arrived, he would further sort out the stuff, place newspapers and magazines in bundles of 1-2 kg each, weighing everything and keeping aside. And while he was busy, we will always find some book or magazine that we wanted to keep and would take it as our most prized possession. Once the weighing was completed, came the stage of bargaining the price of the junk. We would want to sell for higher rate than what he wanted to buy it for and will finally settle at some mid price. After that he would collect everything on his handcart and leave.
While this selling of junk was a playful activity for us during our childhood, it was also an important lesson in environmental concern. We would've reusing and recycling. Reducing the waste and preserving nature. The kabadiwala played an important link between us and the recycling industry, without his role our recyclable junk would have ended up polluting the earth more. Those people who do the most meager jobs are the ones doing the most important jobs. They are the environmental crusaders. They are saving our present and our future by spending their time and their energy in doing what we consider ourselves too proud to do.
Coming to the USA, we have to take our recyclable junk to collection points ourselves. And there is no bargaining, everything has fixed price. We collect and sort everything beforehand, there is no designated Sunday or summer day. We have to carry everything ourselves. It does not involve the hustle and bustle of childhood days and we have become our own kabadiwala.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The beef politics

One innocent man was publicly lynched over rumors and all the political parties are cashing over the misfortune of his family. The poor, jobless youth is brainwashed in the name of religion to go and kill innocents and the politicians try to cash in the points in the communal clashes. The issue is not beef, the issue is the amount of lies fed into the weak impressionable minds. The parties try to present the cow as a religious symbol and use it to feed the illiterate masses with the ideas of protecting their religion.
The Constitution of India did not talk of taking steps to ban cow slaughter because of religious purposes. The provision is there because of the utility of cow and its progeny in agriculture as India was a agriculture based economy. The provision comes under the head of animal husbandry and agriculture.
The courts have already ruled that the cow is symbolic not for religious purposes but rather because of its commercial uses. Yet, the politicians use it to divide the masses on communal grounds and breed enmity in order to get electoral gains.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Sleep my little baby

Sleep my little baby,
Sleep through the night
Sleep my little baby
As mumma sings lullaby
Sleep under the stars
There is nothing to fear
Sleep my little baby
Under the cool moonlight
The gentle breeze cools you
And brings you delight
The fragrance of night flowers
Envelops you tight
Sleep my little baby
As morning star rise
The birds sing a song for you
And the dew drops kiss you by
Sleep my little baby
As the sun comes up
Sleep my little baby
As it warms you a bit
As the flowers open wide
And butterflies flutter by
As the cattle go to graze
And the birds sing around
Sleep my little baby
Sleep a peaceful sleep
Sleep away from pain
From the world's turmoil
Sleep my little baby
As sun begins to set
Sleep my little baby
As the evening star shines
Sleep my little baby
As birds return home
Sleep my little baby
Your nights filled with beautiful dreams
Sleep my little baby
Angels keep a watch on you
Sleep my little baby
Sleep till we meet again

What is eid?

Eid is not sweets and eid is not sacrifice. Eid is not new clothes and eid is not shopping. Eid is devotion. Eid is worship. Eid is about being thankful to God for the various bounties and seeking forgiveness for the wrongs of the past. Eid is a promise to make amends for the past mistakes and make the future better. Eid is for thanking and forgiving. Eid is for helping the needy and bridging the gaps with people. Eid is holding on to each other.  Eid is the name of strengthening the human relations. Eid is strengthening the bonds of family and friends, coming to closer to acquaintances and forming relations with strangers. Eid is coming closer as one human family.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

It is not funny

Charlie hebdo's insensitive cartoon of the dead Syrian boy and the refugee crisis reflects the hatred and the contempt of its publishers. Making fun of somebody's misery, laughing at an innocent child's death is not a thing of civilized people. It just reflects the lack of human values and the hatred for anyone who is different from them.
Freedom of speech is a great freedom but every right comes with an inherent responsibility. Speech should not be in mocking fun of the poor and the destitutes rather it should be with responsibility. Humor cannot be at the expense of somebody's emotions, it cannot be at somebody's misery. Humor should be a weapon of change, it should be used to curb social evils. It is not humor if it mocks at basic human rights.

It's a clock!

The arrest of the 14 year old Muslim boy, Ahmad, in Texas when he took his invention, a home made digital clock is shameful. A young boy is removed from school just because he likes to invent and his teachers are just not smart enough. His creativity, his wings are clipped because of islamophobia. In time when he was asking for appreciation, he was tortured. This is not the way to treat our children. Instead of guidance and encouragement he was barred from school. Instead of apology, the police wants to press charges of making a hoax bomb. And the boy had kept repeating that it's a clock. The incident clearly reflects the stupidity of the authorities and the spread of islamophobia. And nobody paid attention to the fact that he was saying that it's a clock.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Race to destruction

Everywhere I turn, I see misfortune. Every country is struggling either with internal disturbances or external threats. Everywhere there is pain and suffering. The poor, the hungry, the refugees, the minorities, the indigenous groups, men, women, children and old, peasants and workers, they are all suffering. Everywhere politics, the lust for power and wealth is driving nations to destruction. Racism, hatred for different religions and nations, is hardening the hearts. Natural calamities are the earth's way of saying that it cannot bear anymore. Mankind is devoid of humanity. It is racing towards destruction. Men have forgotten how to love, how to share. These are dark times. Really dark.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Syria- my heart bleeds for you

It has been over four years that I have been reading and writing about the human rights violations in Syria. Reading and sharing about the plight of children of Syria. Torture, rapes, destruction of homes, death, every single heinous crime is being committed on the soil of Syria by the most wicked of men. People fleeing their homes to escape oppression is enough heartbreaking. The tragedy is when they don't have anyone to take them. Struggling on small boats to escape oppression, many have lost their lives. Those who reached safely are refugees. The heart breaking picture of the body of little boy that was washed on the beach two days back has become the symbol of the oppression that these innocent lives are facing. He is one of the millions who were the future, the future that is now turned into dust. All they need is our prayers and our help. The help from the authorities to give them asylum. They need us, the children of Syria need us. They are not in war that they entered themselves, they are oppressed by a wicked regime. They need a better world, they need someone to fulfil the promise of love that their parents made when they were conceived. Peace is what they want. Justice is what they need.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Whose fault is it, anyways?

Every time I read some report about girls who left their families to join isis, I feel sorry about them and their families but I also wonder about why they did what they did. For young European girls to leave their aspirations, their homes, their dreams, their freedom, is something that is disturbing as well as it opens the floodgates of questioning minds. Why would a girl do that and who is to be blamed? The parents that failed to integrate, the school that failed to notice the change, the society that failed to accept, the social media that is ever effective in spreading mischief, or the authorities that failed to take action?
One thing is there that the parents failed to give the real picture of the world and left the us versus them feeling in the minds of their children. Further, a false picture of Islam is also painted, a picture that shows that the western world is evil. Yes, it is true that post 911, islamophobia has increased and the terrorist organization take advantage of it to lure gullible youth that has failed to mingle in their society towards itself. While men go to join the jihadist, the girls go to marry these mass murderers. For a girl to give up her dreams to marry a criminal, is something very sad.
Religion is something to be practiced within closed doors. Outside a person should try to be a good human being. Morality and humanity is above all the religions of the world. Universal brotherhood is a fact that needs to be preached everywhere. People tend to keep themselves secluded from different cultures and also societies feel reluctant in accepting new people. This feeling of us and them needs to change. Evil doers wait for these opportunities to brain wash young people by saying that only they can provide them with good life. It is all a lie. A rapist, a murderer, a terrorist will never provide a good life or a meaning to life. A misguided person cannot guide anyone.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Dark demon

There is a strange emptiness in my heart
It engulfs me from inside out
I feel like no day or night-
Can fill this void inside
No flower, no sound, no amusement
Can take me away from me
A dark demon whispers to me
Carrying me to my doom
Takes away all hopes from me
And leaves me in my gloom 

Monday, 10 August 2015

How feminists damaged the cause of women

The fight for equality between genders for allowing the freedom to work for women and to be treated as an equal. It involved giving women the right to vote, the right to work, the right to express her own self. It included the right of choice to marry a person of one's liking in some societies as well. The fight for gender justice is about the independence. Feminism was about equality, it was about being treated with respect.
In the twenty first century, the issues of feminists lie majorly with the right to sexual preference and the right to expose one's body. Today, the feminists stand for right to have sex as a major issue. It is undoubtedly a woman's right whether she wants to marry or not, whether she wants one night stand or a live in relationship, the problem is that in a society where men prefer a no strings attached sexual relationship as a way of their gratification, gullible women may actually end up at the receiving end. Many feminists have also attacked the traditional attires of certain societies that require women to cover their body as being regressive and oppressive. Unfortunately, their protests in the form of running naked on streets actually led to the objectification of their bodies.
A woman's sexual preference is not the be all and end all where majority of the women suffer from domestic abuse, low education rate, less pay, poor healthcare facility, poor nutrition and so on. Where women still suffer from malnutrition, where there is high maternal mortality rate, the concern of the feminists should be concentrated on nutrition and healthcare. Feminism should concentrate of preventing female feticide and female infanticide. It should aim at increasing education for girl child and creating job opportunities for women. Feminism should be about empowerment. It should aim at ending sexual abuse and not just the sexual choice. It should target the overall development and wellbeing of a woman and not just one aspect of her life. Feminism should be about making a woman an equal human and not just an equal bed partner.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Murder of free speech

Another blogger has been murdered in Bangladesh because of his secular blog posts. Bangladesh a country ostensibly secular with 90% Muslim population is known for harassing and murdering its secular writers and bloggers, many being murdered and a number having fled the country. This is the fourth case of the murder of a secular blogger this year in Bangladesh.
The freedom of a country is determined by the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the most important freedoms in a democracy. It is the basis of a democratic setup. The right to express opinions that might oppose the current situations are essential for both, the free working of a democracy as well as the progressive society. A nation that cannot protect protect the fundamental freedom of speech for its citizens is crumbling in its foundation giving way to more fanatic regimes. Democracy rests on free speech and religious elements infringing upon this freedom can ruin the basis of a secular democracy.

Women in the Islamic state

Women throughout the history of mankind have suffered gravely from injustices based on their gender. From slavery to genital mutilation, rape to murder for honor, their voices have been curtailed and they have often been used as property rather than a human being.
The Islamic state is no stranger to the harassment of women. It captures women specially the yazidi and Christian women and girls, it sells them into slave market to be used as sex slaves. The reports say women are stripped naked in open market and sold to the highest bidder, often sold to more than one man. Young girls specially between one and nine years of age fetch the highest prices. Recently nineteen women were executed for refusing to have sex with members of Isis. Middle East is a place where adultery leads to stoning, under Isis refusing to commit adultery leads to execution. Isis is against all human values. It does not respect the sanctity of human life. It does not respect the honor of women and instead treats them as sex slaves. Women are subjected to harshest of punishments. Rapes and pedophilia is rampant. Every single human right, every single moral value is destroyed in this barbaric regime of madness.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Rest in peace Dr Kalam

Former President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam passed away today following a cardiac arrest while delivering a speech at IIM Shillong. Known as the 'missile man', he was truly a revolutionary. He came from humble roots and showed that knowledge is the key to success becoming the 11th President of India. But he was not just an intellectual, he was a man with great compassion and understanding. He was an inspiration for many. He envisioned a better India. When he retired, he chose to teach. He loved to teach and he loved to spend time with students. He loved to answer their queries and he spent his last moments with students. Forever a teacher, forever a student.
I had always wanted to meet Dr Kalam and now it's not possible in this life, but in my heart I pay all due respect to his departed soul and condolence to the entire nation.

Monday, 13 July 2015

My parents

With my mother dead and my father living across the globe, I was thinking about their struggles while they raised me and my siblings. My mother who carried me I her womb, who nursed me, who cleaned me, who provided for all my needs when I was a baby and as I grew up and my father who worked hard to see that I get everything. I thought of how they tried to provide us with the best of clothes, books, food, toys, everything. I thought of how on a hot summer afternoon they went to market on a scooter to buy me a new dress because I wanted one. I thought of how they managed to buy an expensive doll house for me because I liked it. I thought of how they went out in rain, how they went out on cold, foggy days to fulfil my requirements. How hungry and thirsty they would first go out for me. I thought of how I would find my mother standing outside worried if I would be late by just five minutes while returning from school and how my father would wait outside my school gate. How they took me for my exams, for my extra classes, for my hobby classes. How my mother would always cook my favorite food. I thought of how much they struggled for me and how much they loved me. And I thought of how I would never be able to pay them back.

The lesser humans

Car bombing in Afghanistan and Iraq
If a man is killed in Europe or the U.S. It becomes a big news and everybody gets involved in it but at the same time suicide bombings in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Syria, gaza have become as routine as newspaper with morning tea. News of suicide bombing in Afghanistan outside U.S. Military base, 18 dead, no big deal. News of suicide bombing in Baghdad, 6 dead, 20 injured, no big deal. It seems like the lives of some humans is worth less than others. These are evil times when a man can kill and get away from it. It is a sad time that the lives of hundreds and thousands of innocent people have ceased to matter.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Road safety

The recent accident involving the Bollywood actress Hema Malini and the poor family that lost their two year old daughter and the media coverage of the same alongwith the social media has exposed various flaws in our system. For one, the media coverage of the film star is much great as compared to the ordinary citizens. Secondly, stars use social media to play the blame game and shift responsibility. Thirdly, stars get better and expedite medical facilities as compared to the ordinary citizens involved  in the same accident. Fourthly, social media has also helped in public bashing. Fifthly, some people even started indulging in the conspiracy theories.
The fact remains that emergency medical facilities are lacking in India and numerous lives are lost because of the same. People are afraid of getting involved in accident cases because of police harassment inspite of the Supreme Court ruling to protect them. There are number of things that need to be done like;
(1) establishing better emergency care units. Ambulances should be dispatched immediately and first aid as well as emergency treatment should be provided on the spot to improve the chances of survival.
(2) using checks for speed and better implementation of traffic rules to curb the chances of accidents
(3) providing immediate medical attention on the priority of injury and not of social status
(4) implementing traffic rules like use of seat belts, not letting small children ride in front seat, use of car seats for infants
(5) condition of roads including lighting should be improved to improve visibility at night.
(6) public should be encouraged to take accident victims to the hospital and be assurance that they will not be involved in police cases and unnecessary harassment.
While the life that has been lost cannot be returned, and the parents are going to grieve all their life, it is important that steps are taken to ensure that no other family has to end up in a similar situation.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

A Jewish al baghdadi

There have been reports claiming that the head and self proclaimed caliph of the Islamic state is a man of Jewish background and is a part of israel's plan of taking over the Middle East. Even if these reports are true how do they matter in the current scenario. Even if the head of the organization is a non Muslim, those following him, supporting him, entering a blood bath at his call are Muslims. Those who accept him as their leader are Muslims. Those who consider his barbaric ways right are Muslims.
While it is true that the Islamic state has harmed Islam and Muslims more than anything else, both by making the world despise them as well as by directly killing innocent Muslims. A large number of lives and property is being lost in this battle. Countries are being destroyed and men, women and children are victims of evil designs.
The need of the hour is that the true meaning of Islam is spread by the true followers of the religion. A need is that message of love, peace, equality and brotherhood is spread. Hate cannot defeat hate. We need people to come out and defend the ethical and moral structure of the religions. 

Friday, 26 June 2015

Terrorism across the globe

Friday morning began with the news of 120 bombed in a village in Syria, 1 beheaded outside a gas factory in France, 27 shot dead in a beach resort in Tunisia and more than 13 killed in suicide bombing in a Shia mosque in Kuwait. Violence across three continents, carried out by the same terrorist organization speaks volumes about how evil that group of individuals is. The organization Islamic state does not follow any religion for no religion is devoid of humanity. These are barbaric people who hate every good thing in the world. They are against freedom, against equality, they are against humanity, against tolerance, they are against love, against brotherhood, they are against religion, they are against God.
Killing innocents can never be a way towards God. Instead it is a way towards evil. When they bombed worshipper a during Friday prayers while fasting on a hot summer day in the month of Ramadan, when they bombed innocents in their village, when they beheaded a man and tried to bomb a gas factory hoping to cause greater damage, when they shot dead people vacationing in a holiday resort, they gave out just one message, a message of their oppressive nature. They showed that they are shameless creatures who attack unarmed innocent men, women and children. They are cowards who want to rule this world by spreading fear. They call others unbelievers while they themselves don't believe that God is merciful. These people hate God, they love power and bloodshed. They are the enemies of God, they are the enemies of mankind.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Racism in the modern society

In the present day world, we want to believe that we live in an equal society, in a free world. We want to feel that racism is a thing of past. But the current event of the shooting and mass murder at an African church in charleston has brought back the question that does racism still exist in a nation as free as the United States? The truth is that racism is very much prevalent here. The neighborhood inhabited by mostly African American is considered to be not a good neighborhood. The public schools in such areas are not good. It is considered to be better to avoid such areas. Similarly, the areas designated as Seminole reserves are better to be avoided. People may show a little smirk, a little change in facial expression or voice tone around people who are not white. There is a hidden implication of fear, disgust and superiority. Yes, hate crimes have increased in the recent times. They have increased because the mindset has not changed, the feeling of racial superiority still exists.

Prayers for the victims, their families and the survivors of the charleston attack.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Freedoms in a democracy

The Constitution of India has given the citizen of India the freedoms of speech and expression, of association, movement, peaceful assembly, the right to life and liberty, the freedom of religion, of equality. The preamble to the constitution even declares that the citizens are sovereign. In such circumstances the government has got no right to dictate of how the citizens should exercise, what they eat, how they gather, and so on. The only restrictions laid down are those of public health, order and morality and these are the only grounds on which the government may restrict certain freedoms but under no circumstance can it force the people to live their life in a particular manner. A person may or may not choose to eat certain foods, he may or may not exercise in a certain manner or attend an assembly, the government cannot force him and cannot call him anti national if he states religious reasons for acting in a certain fashion. The right to profess, practice and propagate religion has been protected by the constitution itself and the exercise of such a right does not make a person any less patriotic.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Last night I read about a person being infinite and lasting forever, from the beginning till the end of time. And it reminded me of my uncle, who six years back after my mom passed away talked about philosophy of life at a function. He spoke about a person being immortal as in going on even before death or rather he talked of death not being the end of a human person. Now more than a year after he has passed away I think of him and his being still present. Life starts even before a baby is born, the heart beats even before the first breath has been taken, then can life end with the last breath? A person leaves behind his impact on those around him. And someone remembers him, someone misses him, someone calls him back.  Love remains behind and love keeps going. Love is infinite, maybe so is life.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Prayers for Nepal

I had been meaning to write about the victims and survivors of the Nepal earthquake for a long time but my heart couldn't let me express what all I wanted to say. What can you say for a tragedy that is of natural occurrence and man has not played any role in its occurrence. Thousands lost their lives in Nepal and in India, millions effected by loss. Millions lost their homes, schools, hospitals. Children orphaned, villages destroyed. Yes, foreign aid started pouring but of course, the dead can't come back. And then there are the stories of miraculous survival after days of being buried under the rubble. All we can do is to say a little prayer for the dead and the living. May the hearts mend and the wounds heal. May the memories be less painful. May they overcome their fears, their anguish, their traumas. May they find peace in life and in death.

Monday, 13 April 2015


Dark is the color of the centre of the universe
That moves forward
That moves on
Surrounding and entering my heart as it moves
Encircling the deepest of the feelings
Till numbness spreads
And I can feel no more

Friday, 10 April 2015

Passing by

As I sit and watch my past pass me by
I wonder why I feel so lost
Is it because you are not with me
Or that I am not with me
Or that I am with you
Though I don't know where you are
My heart is with your heart
And my soul with your soul

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


One year today, since I lost you my love
You left this world for a better place
A life of just eight days that you shared with us
An emptiness of lifetime that you left behind
You moved so fast, you went so soon
Your tiny, fragile body wrapped carefully
Like a flower you blossomed for a little while
Like a butterfly you flew far away

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

One year

Tomorrow is going to be one year since I lost my baby. My baby who left this world after going through right days of disease and treatments. No mother ever thinks of losing her child ever in her life, let go of losing him right after his birth. A mother's prayer is always for the health, success and long life of her child. But unfortunately, some mothers have to face the grief of laying down a piece of their heart in the ground and spend the rest of their life gazing at the heavens, waiting for the clouds to form their child's face. Some mothers have to spend their lives searching for the face that isn't there, waiting to hear the voice that would never sound again.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

For my dear son

As the day when you were born got over, a strange sensation fills my heart. I do not know whether you celebrated your first birthday in heaven or you remain there as you remain here, forever eight days old. I do not know whether my tears have any impact on you or not. I do not know how you feel now and if you feel anything at all.
My son, today would have been your first birthday on earth. Today you would have been playing and talking alongwith your twin sister. Today my heart would have been full of cherished memories of your firsts. But today, I stand with a broken heart, a heart that doesn't know whether to smile or cry. A heart that looks at your sister and feels happy and then gives a sigh. Because this heart will know no peace till it joins you.
But all that I can say is that my son, my love will reach you wherever you are. And though I cannot hold you in my arms, you will forever be in my heart.

Monday, 30 March 2015


On your first birthday:
I wish you dreams, and the strength and perseverance to follow them and the courage to accept them;
I wish you beauty, and the humility to appreciate the beauty around you and the wisdom to acknowledge beauty within you;
I wish you the curiosity to find out about the wonders of the universe and the serenity to discover the universe within you;
I wish you the confidence to stand alone on righteous path and the ability to merge into a progressive mould;
I wish you the courage to be full of love, of charity, of understanding and the patience to let love overflow your life and complete you;
I wish you understanding to pause and think before you speak or act, and the ability to value feelings over ego;
I wish you love, dreams, hope, wisdom, beauty, clarity of thoughts, understanding, peace, happiness, knowledge, confidence, curiosity, patience, courage, serenity in every single moment of your life.

Life, death and free speech

Another blogger has been hacked to death in Bangladesh over ideological differences, being the third such case there in the last two years. The killers identified as madrasah students. In a situation like this, one wonders what is the price of life? Free speech has no value, neither does an innocent life. The person dead leaves behind broken dreams and broken families while the killers think that they are the crusaders and saviors of their religion. What really matters is that precious lives are lost, hopes and dreams are crushed and people are becoming the killers of humanity. It is time that the madrasahs that are breeding killers are banned. The values of freedom are inculcated. And people should have a right to disagree peacefully.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Crimes against women

Another women's day is gone. Speeches were made, tweets, pictures, statuses posted, and at the end of the day, everyone went home, the status of women unchanged. Gender inequality is still widespread. Rapes, domestic violence, sexual abuse at schools and workplaces, dowry deaths, female feticide and infanticide, harassment, female genital mutilation, slavery, forced prostitution are just some of the more common forms of crimes against women and gender injustice. The world needs a change of attitude where women are treated as equals. Even developed nations are prone to gender inequality. Women comprise fifty percent of world population and form a major part of the workforce. Still they do not have an equal share in the world's wealth. Women need a major representation and men need a change of attitude to change the current scenario. Men need to accept women as their equals and not feel threatened by them in the workplace to ensure a fair atmosphere. And women need to understand that their struggle is greater than the token celebration of women's day.

Monday, 9 March 2015

A place called home

They say home is where heart is. Home is the place where you are most comfortable in your own skin. After a three week extremely hectic India trip, coming back home was the most beautiful feeling. When I had left India a year and a half back, I used to be sad in the United States, and was homesick. Now, it was relieving to be back here. The comfort of your own bed and kitchen, the familiarity of your stuff, is what makes a home a perfect place to unwind. A place where you can be just you, is a place worth preserving. Yes, we do bring back cherished memories from wherever we go, but it is the feeling of coming home that is the best of all.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Hate crimes.

Following the killings in Paris, and other atrocities done by the 'muslim' terrorist organizations, a young muslim family in North Carolina has been shot dead by a man who had religious intolerance. When some terrorists propagating a distorted version of Islam go out and kill innocent non-muslims in the name of Islam, it is, but expected that some other non muslim will take out his frustration on innocent Muslims and kill them because of Islam. While terrorism is basically political in nature, giving it a name of religion, is bound to have serious repercussions. All human life is equally precious, but unfortunately religious ideologies have been diving mankind and causing the waste of human and material wealth since time immemorial. Peace needs to be given a chance. Positive dialogues to understand the similarities and differences are much needed in today's world. Indiscriminate killings should end. And religion should unite people and not create differences.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The muslim vote bank politics

Before every election, political parties try to woo the muslim voters in areas where Muslims are in substantial numbers. However, the basic needs of the community are neglected. The muslim voters do not require any reservation or special treatment as an incentive to vote. The so called secular parties offer them false protection and also special treatment while forgetting that they are also citizens of India and deserve equality in status and in opportunity. The community at large is socially, economically and educationally backward. It does not require reservations, it requires opportunity to progress at the same rate as the other members of the society. It needs to be freed from the clutches of the opportunistic elements that take advantage of its backwardness and brainwash it against progressive ideas. It also requires protection from the so called religious and spiritual guides that misguide the community at large. Muslims form a substantial part of the total population and their progress will ensure the progress of the country at large. And for that progress, the political parties need to stop the vote bank politics and instead focus on the equal development of all as provided under the Indian Constitution.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

The Isis crisis

Globally terrorism is a major crisis that has lead to deaths relocation of thousands of innocents leading to various problems involving security, trust, refugees and political imbalance. The various acts of terrorism have pushed together various countries and at the same alienated various others. The biggest crisis is for the adherents of a particular religious belief that the terrorists also claim to represent. While it seems logical that any religion cannot promote acts of violence, the recent activities of Isis and allied outfits has created a feeling of distrust and alienation of millions of Muslims who even though are against Isis are treated as those belonging to the terrorist mentality. The identity crisis faced by many young Muslims is a serious issue. While on one hand it is turning many against the religion, various others are getting attracted by the jihadist outlook. While we can say that it is a result of wrong interpretation of religion and brainwashing of the youth, we cannot ignore the fact that the identity crisis is causing what is called the 'labeling theory' and is forcing the youth towards violence. The net result is that in both cases good people are being lost. It is a problem to be tackled at its roots. The current situation is not going to do any good for anyone. The world is reeling into its own collapse.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Life and challenges

One of the biggest challenge in my life is to relocate from my comfort zone. Moving brings about lots of emotional turmoil. The stress of breaking apart, of leaving behind what I am used to is very distressing for me. Building home and then leaving it behind leaves me emotionally numb and unable to do any rational thinking.
Yes, we are again in transit and this time to a destination unknown. Again, there is an unknown future to look ahead of us. But sometimes I feel that these events of moving to new unknown terrains is actually a practice for leaving this world for good. Leaving behind the bonds that we had formed, discarding our possessions, de cluttering our lives, is what will eventually prepare us for the hereafter. For every life is moving towards death, every known us going towards unknown. The biggest challenge is to accept this reality and move forwards with a unburdened heart.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Rights and responsibilities

Our lives are defined by the rights we have and the duties or responsibilities that we owe towards our fellow human beings. Every right has a corresponding duty. One man's right is another's duty and neither can exist in isolation.
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right a man possesses and the same right has certain corresponding duties like duty not to hurt another with one's speech. While on one hand, the freedom of press is a benchmark of knowing how liberal a country's government and policies are, on the other hand the imposition of certain restrictions or liabilities ensures that no person is hurt because of that speech.
As pen is mightier than sword, words written by a pen can cause more irreparable damage than the deeds from sword.

A cure for your mind

Considering homosexuality as equal to drug or alcohol addiction and administering a cure/medicines for it is in itself a disease of the mind. Treating a person's sexual preferences as a disease or a problem is a problem in itself. Homosexuality is caused by a number of reasons but it is in no way a disease or a problem that medicines or counseling can cure. It is the way a person is. It is a fact of his life. Interfering in his personal life and criminalizing homosexual relations between consenting adults is a gross violation of a person's fundamental right of life and privacy. It is also violative of the right to equality that is guaranteed to every human being. It is time that people acknowledge and accept homosexuality as a normal thing as normal as heterosexual relations.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Freedom of speech and right to offend

A man's right to free speech allows him to express his feelings to the outer world. His likes, his dislikes, his thoughts, his opinions, speech is the outlet through which he communicates and explains his very essence. However, speech may also be conflicting, contradicting the notions of right and wrong. Sometimes, speech may hurt other people. How much is too much freedom is a question of cultures and social regulations. In countries like India, free speech is subject to certain restrictions that may be imposed on the grounds of obscenity, inciting offences, effecting peaceful relations, public order, national security while in countries like the middle eastern states, there is very little free speech. On the other hand, European and American countries afford their citizens unrestricted freedom of speech and expression. However, sometimes this freedom of speech comes along with a burden of violence if it is loaded with distasteful subjects. While free speech is a right to be cherished, should its excessive usage so as to offend and disregard other communities and cultures be allowed to remain specially if that means innocent lives be lost is a question requiring a lengthy debate and a course that is reasonable should be taken.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Nothing's changed

One person draws an imaginery drawing of another personality that is revered by the followers of a particular faith and a third person goes on a mad killing spree because of it. Hasn't the person who goes killing is the one who has ascribed that drawing to the revered personality? Hasn't he the one who has actually brought a bad name? Isn't it he who has actually offended and not defended or avenged? When can killing someone has lead to salvation? When has acts of violence brought peace or good in the world? Every life is precious, every soul needs guidance. Only love can defeat hatred, only goodness can defeat evil.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

A new year's wish

I wish for more love
I wish for less hatred
I wish for peace
I wish for less conflicts
I wish for happy, healthy children
I wish for less starvation and disease
I wish for more unity
I wish for less violence
I wish for a better tomorrow
A future of change, a future of progress