Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Ban on human scavenging

Bravo Delhi government for making Delhi the first state to ban human scavenging. But a lot still needs to be done. There is a need to ensure the strict implementation of the law and punishments be imposed on anyone violating it. Further, the rehabilitation process of the individuals and families previously occupied in human scavenging should be done with great attention and they should be brought into the main stream of life with new jobs and a respectable status.
Human scavenging has long been a shame for India and it is the begining of a new era when it shall be abolished from all parts of the country. Banning the same is the first step towards ensuring greater equality and protection of human rights. While New Delhi has taken the first step, the other states are also required to follow suit and make India a place where equality is seen at every walk of life.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Need for equality

Each day I wake up I witness more and more horrors in the society. Every day I learn about new forms of human rights violation. Whether it be female genital mutilation or child trafficking, whether it be horrors in the name of religion or in the name of civilisation, whether people are butchered for natural wealth or for bringing modern values, the truth is that human life has no worth in the real sense. It is a war between the haves and the have-nots while the have-nots are struggling for survival, the haves want to rob them of whatever little they possess. Acts of violence are committed to prevent the weaker section of the society from rising above. They are committed to prevent the concept of equality to be imposed. And the world favours the oppressor. Nobody raises voice when the weak of a society is abused by the stronger, richer, higher class of citizens. The logic applied is that they deserved it; they asked for it, they are doomed because of their backwardness. It is easy to point a shortcoming in the minority community but nobody wants to shoulder the responsibility of removing that shortcoming and bringing that minority or backward community at par with the others. It is easier to blame them for being illiterate but nobody wants to teach them. Is this world then really worth living? Is it the world that children dream of when they think of their future? It is our duty to bring about equality. If you want to oppose reservation, they allow your children to eat in the utensils washed by a dalit woman. If you want to live in a clean environment, then stop pushing the poor to the edge. Together we can build the world; otherwise it is just war and more and more horrific acts of human rights violation unfolding day after day.

Right to get offended

We, as human beings, are most capable of getting offended by the words and actions of others. Muslims got offended by the movie ‘vishawaroopam’, Hindus by Oh My God, Christians by Sins, Sikhs by Jo bole so Nihaal. Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasrin offended Muslims while M F Husain offended Hindu sentimentality. An artist was forced to remove his paintings from an exhibition at Bangalore while VHP is targeting an art exhibition at New Delhi. But has anyone, even a single individual ever pondered about what is it that they offended about? Is it the truth that hurt? As we know that the acts of one single individual do not reflect the ideology of a community. But when you get offended it shows that you acknowledge that such acts are a part and parcel of your life. So is it really fair to get offended? Maybe one should take a lesson from these portrayals and resolve to remove such humiliating activities wherever they exist. If there is an ounce of truth in what is shown in pieces of art or literature, maybe they should be taken as an eye opener and used as a tool to remove such evils. What is the use of getting offended? Better take a positive step and move towards a better society devoid of all evils that are portrayed.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Why ban music?

Every now and then one or the other self proclaimed guardian of culture and religion is trying to curtail one or the freedom of artists. Every other day either it is terrorists issuing warnings or blowing up people or else some so called religious authority who is trying to curb the freedom of expression of citizens. Are these people really the guardians or defenders of religion or they its true enemies, creating an atmosphere of hatred and discrimination? Some say that girls should only sing at home others say that music is haraam at all times. While they themselves lack concensus on various issues, they try and impose their own beliefs on others. If music is so bad then why do you have hymns and other debotional songs? If it is so bad then why call out for prayers in musical tune? If it is so bad then why do you enjoy the song of birds? And while on one hand they ban some from performing they themselves don't mind hearing others perform. Isn't it bit hypocitical? It is time that a partition be put on secular and non-secular acts. Otherwise every single individual has the potential to make other people's lives hell.

Fresh air canned!!!

It is amazing to know that they are actually selling canned fresh air. We all know that levels of air pollution are increasing alarmingly, but making a business out of it was beyond imagination. A businessman in China has started selling cans of fresh air 'trapped' from pollution free areas. A great business idea in a community that cares less for the atmosphere and more for health concerns without realising that one is dependent on the other. And moreover, even this 'brilliant idea' of getting fresh air for breathing is flawed. If somehow they have trapped fresh air in cans, how can one breathe in that air? Because once the can is opened, canned 'fresh air' will mix with the polluted air. Wouldn't it had been simpler to plant a few trees, reduce emissions and try to conserve the environment? Well, till someone reaches this logic, just add a few cans in the grocery list!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Darkness and light

Looking at the fireflies made me wonder what is light and what is darkness. While the firefly emits some light at night, it is not a streak of light, but a light that vanishes right in front of one's eyes, only to reappear at some entire different place. Looking for fireflies on a dark night means constant focussing because you blink and you never know what course that tiny creature has taken. It means that you have to extremely vigilant otherwise you will have to scan a wide area of darkness to capture that one moment of light.
Isn't all light the same. One second of failed attention and we fail to grasp what is happening in the world around us, requiring us to make special effort to get back on the track. One moment and the world moves ahead. The light of knowledge, the light of faith, it all requires a constant vigil. You cannot afford to relax if you want that one glimpse of perfection, one moment of truth. Because when there is no light, it is all dark, and you cannot move ahead without stumbling. For darkness has no existence for those who hold on to the light. But those who let go of it, they have to wander unaccompanied, unguided in an unknown territory.